Sduro All mtn rc 2016 display not registering correct speed

Duke em

New Member
Hi Folks,

I've only had my bike for 5 months now. I do quite a bit of technical trail riding that involves jumps, bunny hops, manuals and wipeouts. Haven't had any serious crashes. More of me falling off the bike then the bike crashing thus far.

I've noticed for last number of rides, my display doesn't show my speed correctly. It will show zero at times when I'm actually coasting or sometimes when I'm pedaling as well. It kinda goes down to zero, then back to the speed bike is moving. Back and forth. Like there is a loose connection.

At the times when the display speed shows ZERO, and I'm actually pedaling and moving with momentum, the motor assist provides NO assist at these times when the display shows ZERO mph. Not good when I'm pedaling/climbing uphill, on a trail that goes a long way up. I get NO ASSIST! At these times when I'm pedaling up a climb and the speeds shows ZERO, the assist level digital icon for (econo / std / high) will be blinking. When the speed shows an actual number of my moving speed, the digital icon for the assist level will remain steadily ON (without blinking).

Anyone else have this problem? Or have ideas about how much of a problem this will be to fix?

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could it be something as simple as the magnet being out of place on the rear wheel, or maybe the sensor on the inside of the rear left drop out? one of those may be just enough out of place to cause intermittent issues. that would be the first thing i would check out.
could it be something as simple as the magnet being out of place on the rear wheel, or maybe the sensor on the inside of the rear left drop out? one of those may be just enough out of place to cause intermittent issues. that would be the first thing i would check out.

I tried moving the magnet on rear wheel around and didn't make a difference. Centered the magnet to where the bicycle assembly instructions said to have magnet in relation to the sensor too. didn't make a differrence. Same problem. Will bring to bike shop I bought the bike and see if they can fix. Bike should be fixed under warranty.
Check the wiring connection in the frame above the motor. It's easy to drop the motor down and above it are the wires. Mud and water can get in there.
So the bike shop service guy changed out the speed sensor near the rear wheel and that fixed the problem. It stopped working for some reason. Now all good.