Scheduled maintenance intervals


Well-Known Member
Cars have scheduled maintenance intervals laid out by the manufacturer, for both # of months and # of miles.

Would ebikes benefit from such a system (I imagine, though, this would be complicated by the fact that many bicycles sit and aren't ridden much.)
Actually most Bosch-equipped e-bikes will have a "service" warning come up on the display every 500 miles.

In general I'd recommend getting your bike "tuned" and checked out every 500 or 1000 miles. I also try to have them checked out and serviced at the start of the season (usually from mid-November to early March I live in a valley full of snow so spend much more time skiing than biking).
Actually most Bosch-equipped e-bikes will have a "service" warning come up on the display every 500 miles.

In general I'd recommend getting your bike "tuned" and checked out every 500 or 1000 miles. I also try to have them checked out and serviced at the start of the season (usually from mid-November to early March I live in a valley full of snow so spend much more time skiing than biking).
I'm over 2,000 miles on two 2016 Haibike XDUROs, no service warning on the display yet.
When I purchased my new Gazelle e-bike, my LBS offered a tune up service (tightening, adjustments, lubrication, etc.) after the first 500 miles. After that, I plan to take it in once a year, which I hope will be in the 500 to 1000 mile range (depending on how much riding I can get in with weather and health conditions).
My Kalkhoff came with a service booklet, just as you'd get with a new car, which lists recommended service intervals and a set of specific services/inspections that should be completed for each one. There's even a place for the LBS mechanic to stamp, sign, and date each service list. The bike has an internal hub, which requires a pretty thorough yearly service that's well beyond my capabilities. I also don't want to mess with hydraulic rim brakes.