Rockstar owners

Update here on my end for the defective Rockstar that was sent to me. 3 days and no reply to my photos...I even sent a follow-up yesterday asking for a response. No bueno...
Update here on my end for the defective Rockstar that was sent to me. 3 days and no reply to my photos...I even sent a follow-up yesterday asking for a response. No bueno...
That is unfortunate they would treat anyone like that. When I talked with them it was by email and they usually responded to me within 24 hours.
I would take that as a hint and be happy to start my DAILY call there if I felt I wasn't getting fair after the sale service support.
I would take that as a hint and be happy to start my DAILY call there if I felt I wasn't getting fair after the sale service support.
Good point, ill start calling on Monday. On the Facebook owners thread, advice was given to me to take the bike to a bike shop and have them install needle bearings instead of ball bearings that came. He mentioned that ball bearings should never be on a bike of this weight and were a very cheap route and design flaw from the beginning. No idea if that is the root cause of the play in the front fork/frame but maybe I just bite the bullet and do that on my own dime. I got another reply saying they are going on over a month with no resolution on their defective Sondors bike...he didn't specify the model. It is becoming clear to me that Sondors does not stand behind their product and after the sale service is not important to them. Another reason for the lack of responses could be a flood of problems needing to be addressed...Buyer beware.
After the principle of the matter, it's probably pretty affordable to have a bike shop replace those...and if they could be upgraded - all the better.
Update here on my end for the defective Rockstar that was sent to me. 3 days and no reply to my photos...I even sent a follow-up yesterday asking for a response. No bueno...
Confidence is dwindling. Saw another post on Facebook about motor failure day 2. No response from sondors yet for that guy too.
Yesterday I unlocked the throttle, put the settings on vibrate and increased the power levels from 5 to 9. It was easy to do just by watching the YouTube video.
Overall it might have a little bit more speed but it was hardly noticeable. The way I've been riding it by using lots of
maximum assist and lots of thumb throttle the battery range goes down to about 30 to 40 miles (just guessing.) My range should increase as I get used to riding it more.
It won't probably do much over 30 for a short period of time without alot of help.
Large hill climbs are going to really slow it down and will need to be done in a lower gear. It goes like a bat out of hell
on a large hill decent I started putting on the brakes when I hit 43 mph.
OMGoodness, your an animal, that's fast. I am going to keep mine restricted to 20.
How and when does vibrate apply? I never heard about that.
It vibrates when you change the settings on the computer. It's really handy to have turned on. If you ask me 20 is an average cruising speed and it's nice to be able to go beyond that every now and then, you will see. It will already do that without unlocking it.
It vibrates when you change the settings on the computer. It's really handy to have turned on. If you ask me 20 is an average cruising speed and it's nice to be able to go beyond that every now and then, you will see. It will already do that without unlocking it.
Hi Lightning,
What do you think about the power assist? Does it kick in/out smoothly? How does the power of the motor compare to other bikes you have ridden?
Thanks, Dave
I've only started riding ebikes since this Tuesday but I've been riding it every day.
I might not be doing it right, so far I'm mostly riding it around in high gear and using alot of assist to keep it going at a fairly decent speed. I think that the lag isn't noticeable at all when doing it that
way, I really need to use a different technique when riding but I'll tell you it's alot of fun doing it that way. Here's a few pictures loaded up for transporting.


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I hop you get your issues resolved soon Rhino, I would have a 100 percent different opinion on things if I were in your shoes and that's for sure. I was able to put on the rest of the parts and pieces
That I had they went together very smoothly. A headlight, tail light, new fenders, and an alarm that fits perfectly on the seat tube.
I see you put the alarm on your Rockstar. I'm buying a second one for my CC. They are loud and annoying when they go off, but any deterrent is better than nothing...
I suppose one can never have enough protection. Funny you say that, I bought a large heavy duty cable for locking it up, it was like 3/4's of an inch thick for only 10 bucks, such a great deal. When I took it out of the packaging I realized that the locking mechanism was only made out of plastic and could be broken by hitting it with a hammer, but it looks very intimidating and I think I'll go ahead and use it.
I see you put the alarm on your Rockstar. I'm buying a second one for my CC. They are loud and annoying when they go off, but any deterrent is better than nothing...
Hey Taylor, how are you liking your ebike?
I know it took forever and a day to get a Rockstar, but overall I'd say that I'm happy with what I got.
With regard to riding around in high gear Lightning do you shift up through the gears or start out in higher gears from a standstill or near standstill?
Hey Taylor, how are you liking your ebike?
I know it took forever and a day to get a Rockstar, but overall I'd say that I'm happy with what I got.
I finally took it for a decent ride yesterday as I was unable to ride due to a bug and horrible cough. I like it, right now my only complaints are the seat is not comfortable and I need to add my suspension stem to raise my handlebars and offer less of a hunched over ride. I think I am also going to let some air out of my rear shock and experiment with that. Lastly, I may consider the "Smooth" reprogramming of the Ultra motor but am going to ride it a bit more before I undertake that. I was able to get it to 38 on flat ground throttle only which is way too fast for this old fart!!