I don't think I would have purchased this bike or a Rize product having the experiences to date. After assembly with complications (axle nuts not wanting to come off from shipping block on the front wheel axle), I have taken the bike out several times and placed about 100 kms. on the bike. Weak chassis - you can feel the bike flex with the Bafang mid-drive motor under acceleration. Had to adjust the rear derailleur (was skipping gears), brakes and headset - definitely not "out of the box" ready. Owners manual does not reflect the "Pro" it is for the RX and has many inconsistencies - doesn't anybody proof read anymore?? Their initial website claimed 3, 5 or 9 PAS settings. I called them as their manual did not show how to select different PAS ranges. They had no response or comment. Shortly after, they changed their website to 5.
I already have an error code "21". Rize bikes in BC has the worst customer service imaginable. They do not respond to email! If you call, you might get a call back. I'm still waiting three weeks for an explanation of the error code or how to clear the code - this is after two emails and a phone call to them. Warranty - good luck, give them your money and hope for the best. I might alter my opinion after a few more kilometers, but really, for $3,200.00, this is not meeting any kind of typical reputable eCommerce or modern business acumen. This is my second ebike. My first was from RTG (Ride the Glide - Victoria). Night and day difference in customer service. RTG was excellent and would recommend, Rize on the other had - I would not recommend.
I already have an error code "21". Rize bikes in BC has the worst customer service imaginable. They do not respond to email! If you call, you might get a call back. I'm still waiting three weeks for an explanation of the error code or how to clear the code - this is after two emails and a phone call to them. Warranty - good luck, give them your money and hope for the best. I might alter my opinion after a few more kilometers, but really, for $3,200.00, this is not meeting any kind of typical reputable eCommerce or modern business acumen. This is my second ebike. My first was from RTG (Ride the Glide - Victoria). Night and day difference in customer service. RTG was excellent and would recommend, Rize on the other had - I would not recommend.