Rider made a comment yesterday on the trail


New Member
My wife and I were stopped at a road crossing waiting for it to clear. We were on our Pedego Interceptors (beach cruisers). I was behind my wife by about 6 ft and I had on panniers. Wife was ahead without panniers. Two riders came up on our left and passed me first then my wife. I heard one of them make a comment to my wife, which I assumed was in regards to the truck that had just whizzed by with no consideration for stopping or slowing down. When we got going again, my wife told me he had said that there motorized bikes are not allowed on the trail. That really irritated me. First, they are not considered motorized bikes per Ohio law, and second why make the comment to my wife and ride off like a little pansy? I was ready to go full throttle and catch up to them and set them straight, but my wife insisted we let it go. Irritated me for far too long as I
You really think a confrontation would help? How would you set them straight? Force them to understand somehow? Just forget it and don't let them ruin your fun. Everyone is divided these days. eBikers hate road cyclists and call them Spandexers, road cyclists hate eBikers and call them cheaters, Mtb people call eBikers scooter riders. It just like everything else in this world. No one has any tolerance. Do a search. This is far from the first incident!
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You really think a confrontation would help? How would you set them straight? Force them to understand somehow? Just forget it and don't let them ruin your fun. Everyone is divided these days. eBikers hate road cyclists and call them Spandexers, road cyclists hate eBikers and call them cheaters, Mtb people call eBikers scooter riders. It just like everything else in this world. No one has any tolerance. Do a search. This is far from the first incident!
I thought people of all kinds - drivers, pedestrians, non-cyclists and so on - call them Spandexers? ;-)

Sadly they that wear a full bib and jersey out for every ride all too often have the most negative opinions about ebike riders. A few of my long time friends are in this category and when I rode with them last year I got the jabs directly 'How can you possibly understand what it really means to be a cyclist' and all that - I even showed them my bike computer calculating my heart rate and calorie burn stats...

In the end I just say nothing when they poked at me mid-ride, wait until a good hill climb and power up past them and when they joined up with me again poke back 'Jesus, how did a fat guy beat you up that hill even with a motor?'....and carry on. :)

The final Karma? two of the 6 gents I rode with last year (all non-e riders) are vastly better shape than the other 4. So far this year I have been out for 3 rides with just the two of them (and yes they never made fun or had issue with my ebikes, they are great guys and super understanding) and when I asked why none of the other 4 had been invited?

'They're too slow, you keep up no problem. With you Shaun we put you in front not to just draft but you make us climb hills faster keeping up with you which is training for us.'

Guess I'm in the VIP club now, even if I had to 'cheat' my way in. :cool:

I thought people of all kinds - drivers, pedestrians, non-cyclists and so on - call them Spandexers? ;-)

I started wearing spandex when I bought a tad pole eTrike. I was riding with cargo shorts when some sort of large bug went right up my baggy shorts leg. Found out those baggy shorts are perfect air scoops when your legs are straight out like that! Stopped instantly on the rail trail and dropped my shorts right there to get the critter out. I also really appreciate the extra saddle cushion built into the shorts. So despite the "road cycling uniform" implication, they are very comfortable and built for a purpose.
I started wearing spandex when I bought a tad pole eTrike. I was riding with cargo shorts when some sort of large bug went right up my baggy shorts leg. Found out those baggy shorts are perfect air scoops when your legs are straight out like that! Stopped instantly on the rail trail and dropped my shorts right there to get the critter out. I also really appreciate the extra saddle cushion built into the shorts. So despite the "road cycling uniform" implication, they are very comfortable and built for a purpose.
I too wear spandex riding shorts (not full bib, not the jersey) as well for all the improved riding reasons and to prevent 'plumbers butt' from occurring. I speak of those who simply must wear a full Bib and jersey to even consider throwing their leg over a bike. :D :cool:
I started wearing spandex when I bought a tad pole eTrike. I was riding with cargo shorts when some sort of large bug went right up my baggy shorts leg. Found out those baggy shorts are perfect air scoops when your legs are straight out like that! Stopped instantly on the rail trail and dropped my shorts right there to get the critter out. I also really appreciate the extra saddle cushion built into the shorts. So despite the "road cycling uniform" implication, they are very comfortable and built for a purpose.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch. Beware the jubjub bird, and shun the fruminous Bandersnatch!"
Should I be ashamed I wear the full cycling uniform for any of my rides (except fast grocery shopping)? Modern cycling clothes are comfortable, breathable and the right attire for any weather can be found. I cannot ride in cotton anymore: I feel like I were suffocating in a T-shirt.


This set is ideal for 18 C and strong wind. Just the thermoactive base layer and chamois shorts. 55 miles of full ride comfort.
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You really think a confrontation would help? How would you set them straight? Force them to understand somehow? Just forget it and don't let them ruin your fun. Everyone is divided these days. eBikers hate road cyclists and call them Spandexers, road cyclists hate eBikers and call them cheaters, Mtb people call eBikers scooter riders. It just like everything else in this world. No one has any tolerance. Do a search. This is far from the first incident!

That’s exactly what my wife said. I am a type A fighter pilot, so I have a really hard time letting that sort of behavior pass without retaliation. I would have been a lot better off, though, had I just let it slide. I forgot my "yes dear" training.
Should I be ashamed I wear the full cycling uniform for any of my rides (except fast grocery shopping)? Modern cycling clothes are comfortable, breathable and the right attire for any weather can be found. I cannot ride in cotton anymore: I feel like I were suffocating in a T-shirt.

View attachment 55858
This set is ideal for 18 C and strong wind. Just the thermoactive base layer and chamois shorts. 55 miles of full ride comfort.

For goodness sake, Stephan, of course you should where whatever the hell you like!!! It is absolutely nobody else's business.
Fourth season riding, and I still never have had another cyclist criticize my ride or my riding choices.
Should I be ashamed I wear the full cycling uniform for any of my rides (except fast grocery shopping)? Modern cycling clothes are comfortable, breathable and the right attire for any weather can be found. I cannot ride in cotton anymore: I feel like I were suffocating in a T-shirt.

View attachment 55858
This set is ideal for 18 C and strong wind. Just the thermoactive base layer and chamois shorts. 55 miles of full ride comfort.
You're wearing flats and your clothing is properly fitted, does look like it's painted on. You're also not standing next to a $9K race-class acoustic my friend. :D

And if I was misunderstood, I apologize, only a select few gents have (and continue to give me when they see me) attitude described, they all just happen to wear the painted on riding outfits and their speed demon acoustic bicycles.

Thankfully the two most fit and wonderful gents I know (again acoustic riders) enjoy my riding company and don't mind the break every 60-75 minutes to let me swap my battery. :)
First, they are not considered motorized bikes per Ohio law,...

What kind of trail were you on?

E-bikes of any classification are not permitted on trails designated for mountain biking, hiking, equestrian use or other similar uses, or any other single track or natural surface trail that has historically been reserved for nonmotorized use.

Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes are permitted on bicycle-only and shared-use paths.

It may be worth noting that this is new, passed in April of last year. Previously, e-Bikes were technically mopeds.
The Little Miami River Trail, a paved trail for bikes and walkers. It is 67 miles long and there are multiple bike shops that sell and rent ebikes for the trail.
My wife and I were stopped at a road crossing waiting for it to clear. We were on our Pedego Interceptors (beach cruisers). I was behind my wife by about 6 ft and I had on panniers. Wife was ahead without panniers. Two riders came up on our left and passed me first then my wife. I heard one of them make a comment to my wife, which I assumed was in regards to the truck that had just whizzed by with no consideration for stopping or slowing down. When we got going again, my wife told me he had said that there motorized bikes are not allowed on the trail. That really irritated me. First, they are not considered motorized bikes per Ohio law, and second why make the comment to my wife and ride off like a little pansy? I was ready to go full throttle and catch up to them and set them straight, but my wife insisted we let it go. Irritated me for far too long as I

Yes, I’m in total agreement that they were wuss-ass pansies for commentating to your wife. And it’s understandable that it makes you angry. That makes you a great protective hubby!

I agree with your wife to try to let it go. Come to this forum and vent, many of us have had similar experiences.
I just got a Tee shirt...large yellow letters ‘E-BIKE‘ then silhouette of bike with the shark hump...then at bottom ‘because I’m old’ I’m also large With weightlifter arms.
I believe far more people are interested in ebikes than revile them...I was on a new road The other day and pulled in the shade of a boarded up old store. Two men were cutting lumber and a Pugsley looking kid was present. I wasn’t stopped but for an instant when one man asked “Is that an ebike?” I invited them to look it over. They loved it, the kid loved it and told me about his Giant bike. His father in the background grinned broadly when I told the boy I had a Giant. “The best regular bike I ever owned”