Remove user account


Well-Known Member
Rochester Hills MI
In going over all my online accounts to fix email addresses, change passwords, etc. I discovered that I started another user profile somewhere back in time that I've never really used. Is there some way to delete a forum account?
Hi, relatively new to the forum. Can you explain how one sends a private message to another member? Also, is there a way to receive an email notification solely for responses to ones particular post within a thread as opposed to getting emails anytime someone adds a comment to the particular thread which may not be of interest? The latter clutters up one's inbox often with multiple messages every day.
Click on the username under the icon and then select start a conversation
As for getting notified only if someone answers you, the only way to do that would be to only ask for notification if people Quote your message (see your account preference notification option panel)
But if they answer you without quoting, there is no way for the system to know that.