Reasons I should Buy an ST1 Platinum Now Knowing a New Model Will Be Released in 2019



Looking for reasons I should purchase a Stromer ST1 Platinum now given the favorable price point when it appears it is approaching end-of-life with a new model being introduced in 2019. Give me what you got! ;)

I've not test driven one yet but I hope to tomorrow morning.

Thank you in advance for your input. My use case is primarily commuting on flat terrain the the SF Bay area where I will need to lift the bike onto Cal Train for part of the commute.

On weekends I will use it for rides where there will be hills along the route but nothing above 1200' elevation.
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If you're getting it at a good price, go for it. Newer models will always be available, and inevitably you'll be able to buy what you bought now, for less in the future. Buyer's remorse is typical but you have to jump in. Personally I think both the batteries on that model are small capacity. All stromer's seem to be 60+ lbs so practice lifting it on your demo. They are heavy, especially at arm level where you have less overhead leverage.
It's definitely enticing there are a lot of good deals on 2018 and under for ST1's and I've heard nothing but great things for this model. I am personally going to wait because I'm interested in the connectivity that will be added to the ST1, a better motor, and since it's their lowest model the price point won't be as outrageous as their other models. However, if I were to pull the trigger and get an ST1 now, I would look to purchase a 2018 model (the one with the lower 9 speed drive train, I believe they also now come stock with the city kit and front suspension).
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I've decided to rent the ST1 platinum for an extended demo ride. I had been shying away from rear hub motors. I was having a hard time reconciling the Newton Metre difference between rear hub and mid-drives. So I thought to make sure I covered all the drive systems within my budget range I needed to test it and find out myself how it handles hills and their application to hills.

I've been thinking (which has been known to be a dangerous thing :eek:) my commute would be mostly flat. I can remove the battery from the bike and put it in my backpack when lifting onto and off of Cal Train. On weekends where I would ride with my wife would be mostly rolling hills. Very few if any monster grades would be on our routes. This would be typical of a weekend ride:

Palo Alto to Woodside RIde

As to buying a model that is being revised in 2019 the price point is within my target budget. It includes the integrated lights, fenders and rack all which was on my checklist.

The bike has been around for several years and from what I can tell has been reliable. The place of purchase, New Wheel in San Francisco, is a reputable shop and sells a fair number of Stromer and Riese & Muller. Their store staff is very friendly and welcoming. There is a great coffee shop, Progressive Grounds, a few feet away from their shop in Bernal Heights that has great coffee too!
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There should be a moment when the new models are arriving when you have a direct election between new features and price, and the old model, hopefully clearout discounted. My gut says the market is still in flux in the sense prices are moving, sales in North America should probably be growing, competition and off-brands are coming in, and technology is changing. So how long does a potential buyer wait? Maybe prices for entry and mid level models will be dropping and features improving, but we don’t get the seasons of our lives back again. If I am 60 and have 15 healthy cycling years ahead (touch wood!) before joints, or vertigo, or just age catches up and makes cycling more challenging than I will feel comfortable, these are the great tenderloin years now. Go for it and get out there with the best deal you can find on a reputable bike with good components and enjoy life and health more today. I’m not saying throw your money around, but getting out there and enjoying the moment is the thing?
Go for it and get out there with the best deal you can find on a reputable bike with good components and enjoy life and health more today. I’m not saying throw your money around, but getting out there and enjoying the moment is the thing?

Most people simply don't consider this. Our time on earth is far more valuable!
Ravi, my dear departed Father used to sometimes ask me, when we were mulling over some decision, “Well, if not now, then when?” Sometimes the answer was to wait and not get caught up in hype or a brand new thing, passing fads, maybe an overheated market, but other times ... life is for living, now.
I agree with the Gent and Ravi, get a good bike and ride! We see people get stuck "researching" for months and years here. Often they just disappear without ever buying a bike.
I agree with the Gent and Ravi, get a good bike and ride! We see people get stuck "researching" for months and years here. Often they just disappear without ever buying a bike.
Clearly some people just love the research and exploration. I had a work colleague whose weekend hobby was to go to high rise condominium open houses and compare everything about the buildings, prices, etc., with zero intent of ever moving or buying anything. He was a great resource if you knew somebody who was looking to buy!
Clearly some people just love the research and exploration. I had a work colleague whose weekend hobby was to go to high rise condominium open houses and compare everything about the buildings, prices, etc., with zero intent of ever moving or buying anything. He was a great resource if you knew somebody who was looking to buy!

I love to research but I've been holding on the purchase until I can confirm there is the right infrastructure to secure my bike at a new work location. I'm semi-retired not having worked the past 9 months by choice, but I decided to pick up a 6 month contract engagement because I want to buy a couple of things like maybe a drift boat. ;) My wife and I enjoy fly fishing. I'll know Monday which is my first day at the new work location.

I'm also trying to "buy" a dealer in a sense too with my e-bike purchase. New Wheel only does e-bikes and has two locations so their sales volume is good which leads me to believe their technicians are well trained and experienced.

Anyway I pick the ST1 Platinum up at 5 pm today and will put some miles on it before I return it Friday evening.

My ultimate goal if I purchase an e-bike is to complete the 30 mile commute each way on the bike before the end of the 6 month contract term. I have Cal Train to work with where I can adjust where I decide to get on and off so I can gradually extend the number of miles on the bike vs. train.

We'll see how it all works out. Thank you all for your thoughtful comments!
Stromer ST1 Platinum test drive #1 done. Took it up a ~ 8% grade which is the same grade I took a Gazelle CityZen (Bosch mid-drive) and Specialized Turbo Como's 2.0 & 3.0 (Brose mid drive). It got me to the top, a bit winded but I was winded on the ascent for the other 3 e-bikes. Here is the route:

Stromer ST1 Platinum Barneson Climb

When I first started I thought my front tire was low but then I realized it was the front suspension fork giving me that feeling. The seat was reasonable comfortable once I got the seat to the right height. I sat reasonably upright although not as upright as the Como's. The bike feels solid! I really could not hear the motor. It shifted well. Brakes were good. Easy to pedal on flat ground without assist.

I really like the styling of the bike. I like the battery in the down tube so it's more stealthy looking. The Como's have a good look too with the down tube battery.

The display is simple. I locked myself out but managed to bring up the directions on how to operate the display on my Android Pixel.

The bike is stout! Yes heavy! ;) But I think I could make it work loading on Cal Train.

Tomorrow will be the 25 mile test with a lot of long gradual elevation changes and rolling hills. It will be the same or very similar route my wife and I did Tuesday when she had the Gazelle Arroyo and I had a Como 2.0. I'll know more tomorrow.

First impressions? This could be a contender. Good price point, well built bike, stylish, and has rack, fenders and integrated lights. And I can apply at least one of my rentals to the purchase price. Well see!

But either way I'm having fun and glad I decided to give a rear hub drive a go.
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I agree with the Gent and Ravi, get a good bike and ride! We see people get stuck "researching" for months and years here. Often they just disappear without ever buying a bike.

I share my story in hopes it help others with their decision making /purchase ? Last July I was in my LBS ( I have a traditional carbon Hybrid ). I'd been casually 'looking' at the eBikes in the front of the store as I walked about. My salesperson suggested I take the Trek XM700+ sitting on the floor, out for a ride. I'd never touched an eBike in my life, but what the heck.... In ten minutes of demo riding I knew the Trek was for me. I returned to the shop and bought it. This was the best money I've ever spent ! Every time I ride is Christmas morning. It does not get old....( but I am )

I'd do it all over again and I did. The Trek XM700+ is a fast commuter-hybrid, but I also wanted to ride Rails to Trails, hard gravel and feel very stable, my LBS who I trust suggested the Trek Powerfly 7 for my needs. I bought it without even a test ride based on my dealers input and my love of my XM700+. Again, the best money I've ever spent. I absolutely love both bikes ! ! I'm not against research etc. I'm a technical person
in real life, but sometimes analysis paralysis can be a deal breaker....We're buying bicycles, not heart valves :)
I share my story in hopes it help others with their decision making /purchase ? Last July I was in my LBS ( I have a traditional carbon Hybrid ). I'd been casually 'looking' at the eBikes in the front of the store as I walked about. My salesperson suggested I take the Trek XM700+ sitting on the floor, out for a ride. I'd never touched an eBike in my life, but what the heck.... In ten minutes of demo riding I knew the Trek was for me. I returned to the shop and bought it. This was the best money I've ever spent ! Every time I ride is Christmas morning. It does not get old....( but I am )

I'd do it all over again and I did. The Trek XM700+ is a fast commuter-hybrid, but I also wanted to ride Rails to Trails, hard gravel and feel very stable, my LBS who I trust suggested the Trek Powerfly 7 for my needs. I bought it without even a test ride based on my dealers input and my love of my XM700+. Again, the best money I've ever spent. I absolutely love both bikes ! ! I'm not against research etc. I'm a technical person
in real life, but sometimes analysis paralysis can be a deal breaker....We're buying bicycles, not heart valves :)

I'm an agilest. I'm a scrum master. I live and breath the concept of LRM (last responsible moment) "A strategy of not making a premature decision but instead delaying commitment and keeping important and irreversible decisions open until the cost of not making a decision becomes greater than the cost of making a decision."

We are who we are. Who I am is in part being agile and following LRM I've saved millions $$$$ for companies and a fair amount of coin for myself.

My use case is I want out of my car now that I have picked up a contract engagement and I will have to commute again after not working the last 9 months by my choice. This Monday will be my first day at the new work location. I'll at that time confirm the infrastructure in place to secure my e-bike.

It will be at that point I make my decision. I have all the time in the world until then. That will be the LRM for me on this decision. If I had made a premature purchase decision and they did not have the right infrastructure it would be an irreversible decision. The 300 miles per week I expected to ride and offset other commuting cost would not be realized.

What makes the world work is everyone has a story, everyone has an opinion, everyone uses the process best for them since it's their coin.

But it's fun hearing everyone's opinions and stories and why I like to hang out here. I appreciate these forums and everyone's input as well!
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I'm an agilest. I'm a scrum master. I live and breath the concept of LRM (last responsible moment) "A strategy of not making a premature decision but instead delaying commitment and keeping important and irreversible decisions open until the cost of not making a decision becomes greater than the cost of making a decision."

We are who we are. Who I am is in part being agile and following LRM I've saved millions $$$$ for companies and a fair amount of coin for myself.

My use case is I want out of my car now that I have picked up a contract engagement and I will have to commute again after not working the last 9 months by my choice. This Monday will be my first day at the new work location. I'll at that time confirm the infrastructure in place to secure my e-bike.

It will be at that point I make my decision. I have all the time in the world until then. That will be the LRM for me on this decision. If I had made a premature purchase decision and they did not have the right infrastructure it would be an irreversible decision. The 300 miles per week I expected to ride and offset other commuting cost would not be realized.

What makes the world work is everyone has a story, everyone has an opinion, everyone uses the process best for them since it's their coin.

But it's fun hearing everyone's opinions and stories and why I like to hang out here. I appreciate these forums and everyone's input as well!
Lol. You've been around Silicon Valley techno-babble too long.
Lol. You've been around Silicon Valley techno-babble too long.

Lol! True! I walked away from it 9 months ago but decided to go back in for 6 months so I can buy a drift boat and trailer. ;) Just boning up on the yada yada yada so I'm ready. ;)
What did you end up getting?

If my new work location has an area where I can secure an e-bike I will order the Stromer ST1 Platinum. (I might just order it anyway if they don't for after hours and weekend riding :)). I'll know Monday when I report. I would be surprised if a company in silicon valley was not bike friendly actually.

Weight is a little bit of a concern for getting on and off of Caltrain cars but I will make it work. Caltrain has 8 trains with a different car style that you can roll the bike right on no steps, but you have to work your scheduled around them.

There is a lot of bike for the price IMO and peddling in Eco mode at 22-23 mph with a stiff headwind on the flats was a blast. The seat worked fine. I will pay the extra ~ $200 for the 630wh battery upgrade.

And the 30 Newton Metre rear hub motor worked well on the grades. I'm sold.
If my new work location has an area where I can secure an e-bike I will order the Stromer ST1 Platinum. (I might just order it anyway if they don't for after hours and weekend riding :)). I'll know Monday when I report. I would be surprised if a company in silicon valley was not bike friendly actually.

Weight is a little bit of a concern for getting on and off of Caltrain cars but I will make it work. Caltrain has 8 trains with a different car style that you can roll the bike right on no steps, but you have to work your scheduled around them.

There is a lot of bike for the price IMO and peddling in Eco mode at 22-23 mph with a stiff headwind on the flats was a blast. The seat worked fine. I will pay the extra ~ $200 for the 630wh battery upgrade.

And the 30 Newton Metre rear hub motor worked well on the grades. I'm sold.

Great choice!

Now you have first hand information and experience to know what's fact and what's not. 30Nm torque rear hub has plenty of oomph compared to 75Nm Bosch CX or 90Nm Brose on the Specialized. Numbers are just for marketing, the real stuff is in the real world performance. With New Wheel supporting you, ST1 should be good for 30,000 miles. They are friendly and knowledgeable folks.
Enjoy your e-journey!
Update: Just place my order for the ST1 Platinum with New Wheel. I opted for the 630Wh battery as well. Should be taking possession of the bike in a few weeks.

I waited to purchase in order to confirm my new work location had a secure area for a bike. It does! A bike rack in a badge controlled courtyard. A very Zen courtyard to boot being it is a subsidiary of a Japanese company.

Also the fitness center is open to contractors, of which I am one, so I can take showers in the fitness center locker room after my morning ride.

Said another way, no excuses for me now. If I'm not doing 56 miles RT per workday very soon I've failed in this endeavor. I just have to make sure I appear sharp in all my meetings through the day and not appear fatigued. :cool: