Rear quick release?


Moscow+ here. I am curious if there is a way to make the rear quick release? In concerned about getting a flat on a trail.

I added liners, installed slime, carry Goop flat repair.... i've done what I can, but what if I'm 7 miles back and have to change the rear tube?
I carry a spanner to fit rear nuts, spare tube and forks to remove tyre. Keep in bag under seat. Far easier to swap over tube when out and about, repair puncture when you get home.
Moscow+ here. I am curious if there is a way to make the rear quick release? In concerned about getting a flat on a trail.

I added liners, installed slime, carry Goop flat repair.... i've done what I can, but what if I'm 7 miles back and have to change the rear tube?

If you get a flat, you can apply a patch to the tube without taking the wheel off.

But you have to identify where the air leak is, and then you can pry the tire off, and then pull the tube out enough to apply the patch. Once you get home, then take the wheel off and replace the tube.

I run Schwalbe tires, and have not one go flat yet.