Rear cargo bags - best fitting bag for a Radrover 6?


New Member
Radrover does not make a rear cargo bag for the Radrover 6 Plus, and I don't want the size or weight of their big cargo basket + pack. Amazon has a million options, but also just as many about bags that don't adequately attach or are of really bad quality. Does anyone have experience with a brand and size that works?
Much depends on how much you plan to carry. I use Axiom bags which can go up to 22 liter cap.
because i like they way the mount & have a clip that locks ´em on the rack. But... there are many
cheaper, completely adequate, large bags to be found on ebay & amazon. The topeak is a very
strong durable rack, but again there are less expensive options that will serve. Just give the bags
a thorough examination b4 committing.