Rad Rhino (Rover) Rear Rack


Paris (France)
I am preparing a long trip in September (hopefully, really when I receive my Bolton Controller, it is still in back order after a month). While I have the stock rear rack from Rad (it was sold with the bike earlier this year for the same price, it has been removed since), I am finding conflicting information regarding the max load of the rack.

For the front rack, it is written on it : max 10 kg (around 22 pounds). But for the rear one, nothing is written and I have read various numbers from Rad documentation stating the max load is 18, 20 and before that 27 kg (from 39 to 59 pounds).

For safety reasons, I will take the lowest number into account which is 18. Therefore, I am looking for a sturdier rack for touring.

I have my eyes on the Blackburn Outpost Fat Bike and the Tubus Fat Rack. Both seems fine and are rated at a max weight of 30 kg (66 pounds) but I was wondering if anyone has installed one of those of their bike to get a feedback.
I'd be more worried about bike handling, and stability when stopped if you get too much weight loaded up high. How much you can load without breaking is far higher than the safety of trying to carry that load. Ride safe