Rad Power Bikes Owners Support Map


Active Member
I started an owners support map. This map is so far 60 members strong and growing!

The purpose of the map is for members to locate other nearby members for friendly rides or local support and for potential buyers to maybe meet up with support members to test ride the Rad Power Bikes and further grow our awesome community!!

If you'd like to participate please join this group (owners support map) on Facebook and simply post up your bike model/color/size (RadCity 16" or 20") and city. Only the city - no addresses please!

To be removed from the map just simply create a post asking to be removed from the map.

The group is NOT for discussion. It's simply a rolling log of participating members who would like their name/city pinned on a map.

The map is semi-public. Anyone with the link can view the map but no one can find it just searching the google search engines.

Link to the map so you can preview what it looks like

Link to the support map group on Facebook

Link to the owners group (for actual discussions/support/help on the Facebook platform!)
I do not have any options yet for non-facebook members. I'd like to keep the data current/true - so the Facebook group is more of a rolling catalog of current members. I'm afraid if I add folk from off online forums or elsewhere - 2, 3, 4 years down the road they may not be owners anymore but still show up on the map.. and no one likes incorrect data.

Let me think about it and see what options we have.

And yes - I'm a bit backed up this weekend on the map/group. It's our 1yr anniversary with my girl so we've been busy enjoying breweries, bike rides and bbq's!