New Watt Wagons Facebook Group Created


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I decided to create Facebook group for Watt Wagons owners (current and future). I did this to help keep the information related to Watt Wagons ebikes and motors focused and easier to search. There is also a files tab to upload documents and such.

One of the reasons that motivated me to do this was my current project of rebuilding a 2016 FLX Trail where someone donated the frame and motor to me. I joined the FLX Owners Group where there were loads of information on how to's, sourcing parts, general maintenance as well as experiences with FLX. I found the group extremely helpful and thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to have our own.

Please note that the Facebook group is in no way meant to replace EBR. I know most of you come to EBR on a regular basis to find news around ebikes in general as I do. However, it is extremely challenging to find relevant information using the forum search and pouring through pages of threads. FB has a much more robust features such as real time notifications, much better relevant search results, chat, and dedicated file repository.

I spent few days this week to add some content, but it's really meant for all of you to enrich it with your vast knowledge and experiences with Watt Wagon ebike and related products.

I do hope that everyone will be respectful and not use it as a medium for trolling or other negative behavior. It's there as a resource and a mindmeld platform.

Also important to note is that although I do respect and appreciate @pushkar, this Facebook group is not meant to be an Watt Wagons affiliated group, rather a user driven group. Watt Wagons support requests, complaints, and purchase related questions should be made directly to Watt Wagons. I will, however, welcome any useful information that @pushkar can provide, especially around instruction on maintenance, upgrades, replacements, troubleshooting, etc.

I recommend anyone who wants to provide structured instructional information do so in an attached document post. This will automatically add that file to the 'File' tab for easy access.

Here's the link to the group (Watt Wagoneers) and I hope many of you join, find it useful, and actively contribute.

Please note that the group will only accept real FB profiles as I'm not a fan of fake profiles and fake posts.

Cheers! 🍻:)
I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but could I suggest a sticky post here with useful links? since some of us arent on facebook
I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but could I suggest a sticky post here with useful links? since some of us arent on facebook
Originally, I was thinking about a sticky posts but decided that it still isn’t nearly as useful as a dedicated FB group. If you don’t have a FB account, you can always make one. You’re also welcome to pour through hundreds of threads dispersed throughout EBR and make them. It’s not easy. Also, understand that I don’t have the time to manage that and maintain the FB group.
Hey, I think it's great that you're organizing this, and I agree the search function on EBR is atrocious.

I would ask that you remain open to sharing info here and not simply direct members to the FB group when a question is asked. It would be sad to see this kind of post in the WW forum:

Very little discussion about Sondors here. Go the the Sondors Facebook Owner's Page, you'll have months of reading.
I appreciate the effort, can you make it so we don't have to have Facebook account to look at it ?
I don't have one anymore, and have no intention of making another.
I appreciate the effort, can you make it so we don't have to have Facebook account to look at it ?
I don't have one anymore, and have no intention of making another.
Sorry, but there’s no way to control the group content if it’s open to everyone (this includes invasive advertisers, trolls, etc.) If you don’t have to make a FB account it’s you’re call and I understand. You’re just going to have to rely on EBR.
@Ebiker33 just wants to look at it, not necessarily add content, but regardless, I don't think there a way to do that per what I've read:

Groups are the most limited Facebook entities to those who do not have accounts. If you try to enter the URL of a Facebook group without logging in to the social network, Facebook will only bring you to a login screen. Groups have three privacy settings -- public, closed and secret -- but even those marked "Public" are not truly open to the public; only people with Facebook accounts can access group pages. If you want to read anything that goes on in a group, you must have an account.
The group is set up as public and viewable by all FB members. Like Tom posted, the only restriction for FB non-group members is that you can’t post in the group.
The group is set up as public and viewable by all FB members. Like Tom posted, the only restriction for FB non-group members is that you can’t post in the group.

How come I can look at the Sondors Facebook Group?
I can't post of coarse but I can look around, it must be in the settings.
Facebook group or company page? Note differences mentioned here:

Yeah, that's a company page not a group. It would allow those without FB accounts to see content but make it more difficult for those in the group to converse and follow content (what FB groups are designed to do).