Rad law suit

I went out of my way to discuss the particulars only. Look to yourself and the snotty tone you set. Don't cry when you get the reaction you created.

Thats enough of that.
No excuses, ever. Pitiful when you can't even follow your own moral guide regarding degradation of comments.....
No I have no real numbers.

But there is:
Bad press from this lawsuit and other rider incidents
Safety recall(s?)
Higher prices on new models (trike, RadRunner 3), especially compared to rivals like Lectric
Aventon increasing it's retail footprint
Rivals now selling cargo bikes
Rad cutting costs, including marketing spending it used to goose revenue
Zero Class 3 offerings when rivals are increasingly fully or heavily Class 3 (Aventon, Ride1Up, Lectric)

That's a lot of headwinds
Beware of your biases. We're all biased to some extent, but your bias against Rad is obviously pretty strong. Could be affecting the clarity of your perceptions....

Beware of your biases. We're all biased to some extent, but your bias against Rad is obviously pretty strong. Could be affecting the clarity of your perceptions....


Yes I confess I tend to be 'biased' against companies with poor records and mediocre bang for buck. I'm also biased against people who are unkind, against rude drivers, against fraudsters... I'm just not a very fair person 🙃

All of those points about rad are factual, is that a problem
What I'd say... What I'd say...

Man files lawsuit against Rad Power Bikes over front wheel disengaging

I'm sorry but I have 0 sympathy for anyone that try's to sue over "front wheel disengaging' issues. Because first and foremost the front wheel must be properly engaged. It wasn't Rad's fault that the person didn't read and follow the directions.

In fact it happened to my former wife years ago and although I felt bad about it at the time it was mainly because of our relationship and for sure she has never done it again.
This was years ago, and the bike must of been of the pre-lawyer lip era. I was riding along and there was a bit of a wobble. So I had the bright idea to pull up on the handlebars and de-weight the front wheel and see what the f*ck was going on. To my suprise the front wheel dropped out of the forks. I'm looking right down on this and know what will happen next.

The rest, is history.
I suspect with popularity of ebikes, many new riders not familiar with quick release wheel operation,
combined with higher speeds of ebikes, heavier in comparison vs regular bicycles;
mishaps likely occur without rider knowledge, lead to lawsuits.
People attracted to these bikes are not 'bike people.' So, yes it it a big, new market, but they do not know about bikes. Normally there is a secondary way to prevent the front wheel from falling off. Sometimes it is a washer that has an 'L' shaped portion that goes into the fork. Most often it is a recess at the quick release. That is on the left. A through axle would solve it, as long as the installation was right.
One of these (intended for doing tricks everyday in seawater) 250-hub fat bikes came in for assembly today. They made four recent changes: 1) They ditched the QR for a solid axle; 2) They used the washers with the 'L' that goes into the frame; 3) The fork dropout has a deep recess for the nut; 4) The nut is the locking one-way ratchet type with a 20mm flange. Also the axle components are hardened.


Better not get a biker like me on those juries. I'd hold out forever for the bike company.
I had a good friend who used to say, "you can sue the pope for bastardy," meaning, anybody can sue anybody for anything. Doesn't mean anything.

I remember when no one would bring a suit like this and if they did it would be thrown out. Of course, I'm old. Things are a lot different now. That doesn't mean things are better or right now.

Probably part of the difference now is that lawyers can advertise and a whole lot of them are competing for fringe cases like this.

To the attorneys it is a long shot. With the 'right' jury maybe. All they really want is to settle quickly out of court for a hostage payout, with the company not admitting fault.