Rad controller square wave


Active Member
I posted before about a spare KT controller being square wave. I was simplifying it, it’s actually a trapezoid shaped wave. It’s very noisy on a Rad City. So now I’m looking at phase wires with an oscilloscope on a standard Rad controller and seeing near perfect square waves at all speeds. It’s interesting how they got it tuned to be so quiet. Ever notice how Rad does not say what controller types they have. Also, these controllers are built to handle much more but tuned down for safety and reliability.


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With two bikes that have the same motor, one with a square wave controller and the other with a sine wave controller, both controllers from the same company, I've never noticed any big difference in the way they sound. People say the sinewave is silent. Maybe on a gearless motor like a Rad City.
These two bikes, among 10 others I've put together from motors, controllers, and spokes.
P1110727.jpg P1520030.jpg controllers.jpg