Velofix who set my bike up recommended 50 psi on my RadCity. The issue for me is the seat and I also have a vintage Raleigh bike that came with a Brooks seat. I know my local bike shop always gaga's my bike when I bring it in for service and they always comment on that "good" seat I have. After getting the RadCity and then on a recent trip where I used the Raleigh, I understand the importance of seat comfort. The Raleigh has those tall skinny tires. No suspension to really speak of. But the difference when hitting rough spots made me understand how much a seat can make. My Brooks has a couple of coils in the rear and then parallel to the length of the seat were multiple rows of small coil springs are stretched which support the seat from front to back. Personally I think the biggest improvement to the RadCity in rider comfort is probably considering upgrading the seat itself. To me the pounding on my butt with an unyielding seat is the biggest liability my RadCity has.
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