Step-thru decision between Radcity 5 Plus vs Voltbike Elegant V2


New Member
Would like any advice on trying to decide between these two step-thrus. Both have 500w motor (I’m in Canada) & seem very comparable in other specs. I’ve done a test ride of the Radcity 5 plus & it could handle hills without pedaling (which I need) & I enjoyed the ride, but am concerned about being dependent on busy Rad Power Bikes store location for service whereas Voltbike seems easier to service at a local bike shop. I really like what Voltbike says here about ‘swap-and-go”service/parts:

“Most of the mechanical components on the bike are standard – the brakes, gearing, derailleur, and so on. As for the electrical components – the motor, battery and controller, we have built them with a swap-and-go approach in mind, which means that a service shop simply needs to be able to take off and replace a part.

Our components are engineered in such a way that most bike shops should be able to handle troubleshooting or fixing any issues.

Although you may be buying the bike online, you’ll find that support is never more than an email or a phone call away.
Voltbike warranty covers all electrical components on your bike. Most of the mechanical components on the bike are standard – the brakes, gearing, derailleur, and so on. If you need any adjustments, then we ask you to visit your local bike shop.”

Anyone have any thoughts on choosing between the two?
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