Questions about the Hydra

You want lack of communication? Try buying a Sondors.
Must not be a problem if it could be worse, eh?

Finally.....I know I will get my bike, and I will be happy with it, but that doesn't change the fact that it would be a lot less stressful if I could get something from somebody at Wattwagon.

I'm same, >45 days ago was asked for color and got an email saying frame was being painted. And thats it. Haven't been asked about parts, in email chain about color my questions about parts were ignored. Whatever it'll all work out in end, just kinda annoying. Yes there are tons of excuses to be made, who could forsee... but then you look at parts availablity page, updated just over a month ago saying 45-60 days. That sounded pretty unrealistic when I saw it, someone ordering Aug1st would expect shipment Sept15-30th. Even if all parts to build bikes suddenly showed up, if you're painting bikes for orders <= Feb.. you're going to fill entire backlog AND also get this order from Aug1st completed by end of Sept? Seemed/seems totally unrealistic to me. That's not due to some unforseen delay, that just due to setting unrealistic expectations.
Quick question for anyone who has a Hydra, if you stop pedaling for a bit and use the throttle to keep your momentum up, what are the chainring/pedals/cranks doing while the motor alone moves you forward?
Quick question for anyone who has a Hydra, if you stop pedaling for a bit and use the throttle to keep your momentum up, what are the chainring/pedals/cranks doing while the motor alone moves you forward?
The crank arms won’t move but the chainring will keep spinning to provide power to the rear wheel if your using throttle only.
That’s right the Apollo was in stock for less than a month. Not sure what components are on the one he just released. it’s a nice bike, I really like the battery size and placement, but you still need to get the Innotrace controller from Pushkar.
@Acme - I totally get what you're saying. I really try to overall not bother people too. But the reason I've been attempting to reach out to Pushkar IS to tell him to use available parts and I'll pay upgrade cost, or if it's a downgrade, just let me know so I can make an informed decision on it. My problem isn't about the parts availability, it's more so that I haven't been able to communicate that to Pushkar for 3-4 weeks. Hell, I even used their contact widget on their site 2-3 weeks ago, to inform them of change of shipping address since I had an unexpected move, and I STILL haven't heard anything back from that, and my address still hasn't been updated on the site.

Really all I'm looking for is 10-15 minutes of chat/talk time so that I can figure out the parts situation/accept new charges or make changes as needed for unavailable parts and get my shipping address updated. It's great you've been able to tell him to make those switches for you, but that's my problem - I've received zero communication across a month (and really wasn't bothering before) and have NOT been able to tell him anything similar for myself. Scratch that, I DID receive communication giving me an expectation of a call on Monday of this past week, to which I actually received no call, and then attempts to reach back out where also ignored/met with silence.

Not exactly the same situation, but you know how it feels when you make a service appointment with something like the cable company for 10-2 on Monday, and no one shows up, AND no one answers the phone when you're trying to find out why? That's where I'm at.

Again, I know all of this is just exacerbated on my side from my situation and the stress of sound/reliable transportation. It's just something I wish was a lot different from somewhere I've sank several thousand dollars into.

However, at this point, I really think that their site should update the ETA for Hydra's on their product availability page from 45-60 days to 90-120 days (or more) for a realistic timeline, and then they could impress people by beating the ETA. As well, the Hydra build page could use some attention again, as it still states "Next batch starts shipping Late June / early July 2021.", revealing that the page hasn't really been touched much since sometime before "Late June".
Similar situation for me. I just was hoping for some sort of communication regarding possible build spec updates, parts availability, and when I might *actually* be able to see my bike in my own driveway.

The Luna Apollo I was about to order before discovering Watt Wagons came in stock and went back out of stock, I probably could have gotten that sooner 😂
I can't figure out how to reply to multiple users in one thread so my replies got a bit jumbled.
@Rome - thanks for the offer. I haven't spoken with Pushkar since like late July when the availability page was updated to show that the Archon light sensor wasn't available, and chatted with him briefly about that. But from our conversation I'm still not 100% sure what we're doing for my build given that shortage. I don't know if he's omitting it (thus credit?) or putting it on and shipping a chip later, or what... But yeah, that was the last time I'd been able to reach him, and that was by calling the number I had for him at the time.

I'm aware he's been on vacation, and probably dealing with Ida some... I totally get that - I live in Louisiana and where I live we got particularly slammed when it made landfall here... Here's hoping that the team didn't end up dealing with too much themselves. I will hold off on asking for it though until Wednesday, and hopefully I'll get a chance to hear from him via some avenue (email, phone, website chat widget, carrier pigeon, etc) - but if I don't then I may reach out... I had A number for him at some point, but not sure if I still do or if it is valid.

If I recall correctly he said the Archon light chip can be self installed easily, I was concerned about this since I ordered a hardwired brake light.
That’s right the Apollo was in stock for less than a month. Not sure what components are on the one he just released. it’s a nice bike, I really like the battery size and placement, but you still need to get the Innotrace controller from Pushkar.
I actually think it was in stock for only a couple of days! I got the stock notification email and checked for a few days just to see how long I would've had if I ended up ordering the Apollo instead.

I do like the battery size, but I actually like the design of the Hydra better - it's more of a stealth e-bike look and the customization both in color and components is what sold me.
I’m in Jan, think frame was painted.. well over a month ago got email saying it was being painted. Recent photo on Instagram can sorta read the order numbers pinned to two of the frames, they are earlier than mine.
Does everyone get an email once frame is being painted?
I’d gotten an email asking about color, I replied with choice. Then a few days later got the email below. Maybe they started to send an update email when sending frame to be painted? — But who knows if they always that now or not.

SUBJECT: Order update: Frame being painted
Hi <name>,

Quick update on your order. The frame of your bike is being painted right now for order no. <ordernumber>.

We will send you more updates as they become available.


Team WW


Note got status email Jul19. Aug27 they posted some painted frames on Instagram, order numbers were about 9 before my order number (1240s in image, mine is in 1250s). But due to different frame sizes I would expect them to get a little out-of-order. But like wonder how long painting frames takes. Someone had mentioned WW had to send some frames back to be repainted due to flaws in paint. May be painting has become a source of problems. Also Hydra Black is not bothering with the expensive/time consuming painting.
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Got this today - fingers crossed!
Dear Watt Wagons Family,

First, we want to thank you for your continued support and, more notably, your patience in the past few months. As most of you know, we have been facing unprecedented delays in components since quite some time. This is not isolated to us - most of the manufacturing industries are facing similar problems. To top it off, least expectedly, our paint shop started getting extremely delayed because of their backlog and the poor weather. Honestly, this has been a rough few months as we are trying to scale up our operations and keep up with the demand and shortage of supply. Having said that, we are making a lot of changes going forward that will be of interest to all of you:
  • We have hired dedicated shop floor and build managers to catch up on builds and updates
  • We are in the final stages of talks with multiple alternative paint shops
  • We aim to catch up on ALL Hydra orders placed before August 1st, over the next 4 weeks for shipping out in the order they were received. If your such order does not ship in the next 4 weeks, we will provide credit worth $150
  • We are also starting to ship our first batch of Hydra Blacks starting in <2 weeks. We should have a review video soon
  • We have been endorsed by NHL players, luxury lifestyle magazines, as well as city mayors
As you can see, we have been busy, but supply factors beyond our control are impacting the shipping dates. Hope you can give us another 4 weeks to play catchup. We are extremely sorry about the inconvenience. We want to make sure that we don’t rush a sub-par product to our customers.

Thanks and Regards
Team WW
Got this today - fingers crossed!
Dear Watt Wagons Family,

First, we want to thank you for your continued support and, more notably, your patience in the past few months. As most of you know, we have been facing unprecedented delays in components since quite some time. This is not isolated to us - most of the manufacturing industries are facing similar problems. To top it off, least expectedly, our paint shop started getting extremely delayed because of their backlog and the poor weather. Honestly, this has been a rough few months as we are trying to scale up our operations and keep up with the demand and shortage of supply. Having said that, we are making a lot of changes going forward that will be of interest to all of you:
  • We have hired dedicated shop floor and build managers to catch up on builds and updates
  • We are in the final stages of talks with multiple alternative paint shops
  • We aim to catch up on ALL Hydra orders placed before August 1st, over the next 4 weeks for shipping out in the order they were received. If your such order does not ship in the next 4 weeks, we will provide credit worth $150
  • We are also starting to ship our first batch of Hydra Blacks starting in <2 weeks. We should have a review video soon
  • We have been endorsed by NHL players, luxury lifestyle magazines, as well as city mayors
As you can see, we have been busy, but supply factors beyond our control are impacting the shipping dates. Hope you can give us another 4 weeks to play catchup. We are extremely sorry about the inconvenience. We want to make sure that we don’t rush a sub-par product to our customers.

Thanks and Regards
Team WW
My frame was affected by the paint shop issue. When the frame came back originally it wasn’t up to WW quality standards so they sent it to another painter to have it repainted. I’m perfectly fine with this and actually happy as it shows WW will not send out a sub par product. I have no problem with the delay and extra wait time.
When it is ready to ship he can get quotes, before that time it is really just a guess. Plus it’s like an extra 3000 miles to an island that imports more than it exports. sore but that doesn’t sound cheap to me.
Received the same email today, was definitely hoping to have it before September, but hopefully I'll get a *little* bit of riding in before the winter rains lol

Regardless, I'm happy to have received a bit of communication and I'm glad they're getting things sorted.