Preventing a flat.


New Member
Hey friends. Just bought an addmotor 560 p7. The thing is a beast. However at 150 miles I got a flat tire. I got a replacement coming. My question is other than buying puncture resistant tires. Which I cant afford right now. What can I do to prevent this. Ive seen tire slime and tire liners. I worry the slime will settle and make a rough ride until it speads back out. I dont know what to think about the liners. If anyone can help with this it would be appreciated. Thanks.
There's dozens if not hundreds of threads on this topic, a search should answer all your questions. There's been some good discussion in the maintenance topics lately.

I use puncture resistant tires with tubes and Slime. I've never had a flat while using Slime, the big issue most people have with Slime is that it's messy but it's water soluble and I just hose off any mess I've so for me it hasn't been an issue. You'll get lots of varied responses and there's no definitive answer, the best thing for you to do is carry some tools and learn to fix a flat, that's the real answer for getting you out of trouble.
I would share that while adding Slime (or your favorite brand of similar) may not protect you totally, it's a pretty cheap step in the right direction!
I’ve had great luck with the Tuffy Fat Tire Protectors. I got a flat the first day I rode my bike and installed the Tuffies and have not had a flat since. Two thousand miles and still going!

Have a great day,
Alan in the Amargosa Desert
What kind of flat did you have that required replacing the tire?! That can happen, but it's a rare case. I'd be curious to hear more specifics. If your flat was truly that severe there is probably nothing that would have prevented it.

On my current bike I have tubed tires and have used Slime and not used Slime. I had a flat pre-Slime, which was easily remedied on the trail with a simple tube patch. I've had no flats since adding Slime. There is no statistical value to my experience, but my tires have 1000+ miles on them now and are relatively thinner than when I had the flat, so I feel pretty good about the Slime.

As for Slime settling and causing a rough ride, I think the trick is to not use too much. I tend to over-dose my tires though, and haven't noticed that problem.

I've thought about liners, but haven't done that yet.

Flats are almost inevitable but are generally pretty easy to fix.
