Powerful Fat Tire E-bike w/ Torque sensor from Juiced Bikes

I'm past worrying about the wait or the sometimes frustrating communications. I just need to know if I'm going to get an inadequate battery for the bike, with a 20 mile range or if I need to pay something to upgrade. I hope juiced will work with me considering they advertised the small battery as 30-60 mile range. No response after two weeks, to email or on here. If there is such an overwhelming demand from internet sales, it might be worth hiring an internet spokesperson to answer these questions.
The current low Hyperfat battery 17.4aH (835wH) is very good for an eBike and should easily get roughly 40-45 miles or so depending on bike weight, your weight and a few other factors. Even the lowest they originally offered should get your 20 mile range.
Did you find out something about delivery times as well?

I made a late order (Aug 24) and saw a couple days later on their site that the delivery date changed from September to November. I contacted sales with my order number to ask and got the following response:

Your order number is pretty high and might have to be pushed to the next order coming early November. We will know more as we start shipping out next week.

I just finally read thru this thread to get a heads up on where things are. I ordered late because I knew I'd have a wait regardless... so now if it's November, I will survive. It's not like a wait for a Tesla or anything. It's so unique, I'm okay with a 2-month paid wait. It just better be in that November delivery or I'll start getting cranky! :D
The current low Hyperfat battery 17.4aH (835wH) is very good for an eBike and should easily get roughly 40-45 miles or so depending on bike weight, your weight and a few other factors. Even the lowest they originally offered should get your 20 mile range.
I ordered in May with the 1000w MAC but the 13.2 LG battery, expecting 30-60 mile range as advertised. I was concerned that would be insufficient for that range considering Tora's update, but they agreed to upgrade to the 17.4, which I think is good business and helps make all this worth the wait.
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I made a late order (Aug 24) and saw a couple days later on their site that the delivery date changed from September to November. I contacted sales with my order number to ask and got the following response:

I just finally read thru this thread to get a heads up on where things are. I ordered late because I knew I'd have a wait regardless... so now if it's November, I will survive. It's not like a wait for a Tesla or anything. It's so unique, I'm okay with a 2-month paid wait. It just better be in that November delivery or I'll start getting cranky! :D
Sounds perhaps like they mean it will be manufactured in November (in China). I ordered in May and don't expect mine to be delivered til at least Nov 1st. I could be wrong though
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I almost ordered the Hype bike and was skeptical it would ship in time based on posts here. I ordered the crosscurrent S since it sounded like it was a sure bet to ship when they said - this may have been a mistake.


This was a bike I cross shopped with the Hyperfat. It's not the same and doesn't check all the same boxes (power and range) but has something unique on the market (AWD). I never got to test ride it but it looks cool and has good reviews. Might be worth a look.

I'm still not sure what I'll do with my CCS order.

Unfortunately I have dumped out of the pre order. I may look again when the Hyperfat is starting to be delivered
Unfortunately I have dumped out of the pre order. I may look again when the Hyperfat is starting to be delivered

I don't blame you.

Based on assurances from Juiced my CCS will ship next week I have kept my order open. I would have preferred a hyperfat. I am toying with the idea of a QBP (e.g., Surly) fatbike + BBS02/BBSHD if we have a snowy winter, and/or if Juiced fails to deliver on their second promised ship date (they had initially said within a week of the bikes hitting the US).

The field is advancing so fast I do think it's worth getting something that you will enjoy for now, even if it's not perfect, especially if you're in a position to spend the same money again in a couple years. The market is more illiquid than pushbikes but if you get something with a standard battery connector (e.g., a DIY bike) I think there is the possibility of recouping some of your outlay. Juiced has gone to a proprietary mount (with a standard connector), FWIW.
I have a SE F@E 17 inch and I decided to add a 1000w mid drive from Luna. Should be done in less than a week saved over $1200. If anyone has ever kitted this bike let me know what issues you had thanks and wish me luck. I do appreciate the honesty that I received fro Juiced about my timing issue. I am certainly going to do business in the future with them.
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I just clicked in here to see what was going on. Sorry for the lack of updates. I will be more detailed.

Here in China the internet is a little bit different. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, IG, Snap, anything that is a blog -all of those do not exist... At all. In the best case when you type youtube.com, nothing happens. In the worse case your internet literally shuts down for like 15 min to let you ponder the "mistake you made". There are work arounds, but they don't always work or half works.

So, Basically my email box got filled up and nothing was getting in. So I upped it to the 25GB plan, but by "upgrade", apparently it proceeded to just "delete" my previous mailbox and create a bigger one from scratch. Its IMAP so this happened on all devices and computers like instantly so many messages got lost as I now try to build back up the mailbox.

Well in the process the mail provider crippled the account because it turns out spammers open up huge mailboxes then start sending a bunch of messages from IP addresses in China, which is basically exactly what it appeared i was doing!

Chinese internet certainly did not stop you from providing updates to the CrossCurrent S. Don't treat your customers like idiots. So long as you hold my money, I expect regular updates.

Next time two weeks go by without an update my order gets cancelled.
It's always bike season when you have no car. LOL. Part of the reason I ordered this was for winter ice and snow commute. I ride bikes below zero sometimes, as I have no car and hate walking or spending on cabs even more than I hate cold wind. Thanks for letting us know more, the Chinese internet restriction explains a lot, and now we have a general idea what to expect.

I disagree that Chinese internet explains anything here. @Tora Harris posted hours of YouTube videos and extensive written updates on the Cross current S during the same timeframe. They also took the time to make silly YouTube videos bashing DIY ebikes, stooping to the s*it-flinging, unprofessional levels of Eric at Luna. I'd also say they maybe could have taken the time to update paying customers before shooting their cleavage-fest that is Tha CrossCurrent Air promo.

Juiced has tried to reassure me that the CrossCurrent bikes haven't overtaken the HyperFat in priority, but the data clearly says otherwise.

Speaking of data, where is the performance comparison between 9T and 12T windings we've been promised? As on now the website has contradictory information on this. 6/22 update said 9T almost reaches 30mph on throttle only. In July they added the line about 12T reaching 30mph (and in a chat said 9T is now more like 35mph). What is it really?

Why was a real world battery range test performed and published on the CrossCurrent S but not the HyperFat. Let's end the speculation on the tire rolling resistance questions.

The lack of first-come-first-served is alarmingly blatant.

Finally, the most clear response we've gotten stated mid-November delivery is contingent on manufacturing startup by early September. Despite the 6/22 update saying producing had started 3 months ago, how are we tracking against the September startup? Because it's early September now...
I disagree that Chinese internet explains anything here. @Tora Harris posted hours of YouTube videos and extensive written updates on the Cross current S during the same timeframe. They also took the time to make silly YouTube videos bashing DIY ebikes, stooping to the s*it-flinging, unprofessional levels of Eric at Luna. I'd also say they maybe could have taken the time to update paying customers before shooting their cleavage-fest that is Tha CrossCurrent Air promo.

Juiced has tried to reassure me that the CrossCurrent bikes haven't overtaken the HyperFat in priority, but the data clearly says otherwise.

Speaking of data, where is the performance comparison between 9T and 12T windings we've been promised? As on now the website has contradictory information on this. 6/22 update said 9T almost reaches 30mph on throttle only. In July they added the line about 12T reaching 30mph (and in a chat said 9T is now more like 35mph). What is it really?

Why was a real world battery range test performed and published on the CrossCurrent S but not the HyperFat. Let's end the speculation on the tire rolling resistance questions.

The lack of first-come-first-served is alarmingly blatant.

Finally, the most clear response we've gotten stated mid-November delivery is contingent on manufacturing startup by early September. Despite the 6/22 update saying producing had started 3 months ago, how are we tracking against the September startup? Because it's early September now...

Completely agree with everything you're saying here, I think most people that pre-ordered, including myself can wait as this is a 2nd bike for me. I already have a tuned Haibike that can hit 32 mph. This bike was purchased because there's not a lot on the market with the speed and battery capacity I need. I wish Tora would confirm speed and range specifications.

Also, from what I gather there were two batches of pre-orders, the founders series and the 2nd batch before the price increase. Juiced really needs to give some more concrete estimates on manufacturing start, shipping, and delivery.

The best we can do is keep asking, but if Tora isn't back in China as of yesterday overseeing the start of bike production today, Mid to late October delivery is now out the window.
I disagree that Chinese internet explains anything here. @Tora Harris posted hours of YouTube videos and extensive written updates on the Cross current S during the same timeframe. They also took the time to make silly YouTube videos bashing DIY ebikes, stooping to the s*it-flinging, unprofessional levels of Eric at Luna. I'd also say they maybe could have taken the time to update paying customers before shooting their cleavage-fest that is Tha CrossCurrent Air promo.

Juiced has tried to reassure me that the CrossCurrent bikes haven't overtaken the HyperFat in priority, but the data clearly says otherwise.

Speaking of data, where is the performance comparison between 9T and 12T windings we've been promised? As on now the website has contradictory information on this. 6/22 update said 9T almost reaches 30mph on throttle only. In July they added the line about 12T reaching 30mph (and in a chat said 9T is now more like 35mph). What is it really?

Why was a real world battery range test performed and published on the CrossCurrent S but not the HyperFat. Let's end the speculation on the tire rolling resistance questions.

The lack of first-come-first-served is alarmingly blatant.

Finally, the most clear response we've gotten stated mid-November delivery is contingent on manufacturing startup by early September. Despite the 6/22 update saying producing had started 3 months ago, how are we tracking against the September startup? Because it's early September now...

It's like you can read my mind. How cringy is that CC Air promo? Who are they targeting with that video? It got so many downvotes, they hid the score. Juiced, just a thought, if you have to hide how many people don't like one of your ads, maybe you should just take it down.

Unfortunately, no matter how much we grumble and wonder here, there's a reason why Juiced hasn't said more about when the next production of bikes will be ready. They don't know. If they did, they'd say. Despite what we were explicitly assured earlier in the year, they haven't even started production on the second set of preorders so who knows when they will be ready. I guess they don't want to say that since they'd have to admit they weren't straight with us before. I don't expect to see my early preorder until Thanksgiving or later. Delays are one thing but telling your customers that their orders are in production when they're not is another. I hope Juiced realizes all the goodwill they've burned and make an effort to compensate the people who they mislead.
It's like you can read my mind. How cringy is that CC Air promo? Who are they targeting with that video? It got so many downvotes, they hid the score. Juiced, just a thought, if you have to hide how many people don't like one of your ads, maybe you should just take it down.

Unfortunately, no matter how much we grumble and wonder here, there's a reason why Juiced hasn't said more about when the next production of bikes will be ready. They don't know. If they did, they'd say. Despite what we were explicitly assured earlier in the year, they haven't even started production on the second set of preorders so who knows when they will be ready. I guess they don't want to say that since they'd have to admit they weren't straight with us before. I don't expect to see my early preorder until Thanksgiving or later. Delays are one thing but telling your customers that their orders are in production when they're not is another. I hope Juiced realizes all the goodwill they've burned and make an effort to compensate the people who they mislead.

Yup, I have a a decent amount of good will for this company and I'm in the position to do a little more waiting, but the bottom line for Tora and his operation is he needs to scale his business operation and start acting like a real company. It's clear that he needs a small team of people to live and work in China to manage production, QA, and logistics. Whoever is currently managing their website needs some help along with getting someone to manage communications and social media.

But yes for real, the core demographic that follow the innovation of the company probably aren't that interested in watching a model ride a CC Air that isn't even setup correctly. Juiced probably could have saved some of their marketing budget doing something else. It really sends the wrong message to customers that paid in full. Almost like Juiced is saying "yeah whatever let's release a sweet titty video while our customers don't have any information about the $3000 or more they've loaned us for most of the year"

Bottom line is that if there's no production update in two weeks saying my bike has been built or started production, I'll just stick to my overpriced Haibike until they have stock on hand and the HyperFat has been reviewed.
from juiced facebook page yesterday: We will post up the HyperFat update today. Basically we are not happy with the arriving units and need a bit more rework. We expect the production to get underway in Sep. With shipments starting in October.
from juiced facebook page yesterday: We will post up the HyperFat update today. Basically we are not happy with the arriving units and need a bit more rework. We expect the production to get underway in Sep. With shipments starting in October.

Not good. After all that time and hype, even the first founders bikes aren't finished. Were the bikes not checked at the factory before they were flown to San Diego? Makes you wonder if they will ever be able to pull this product off. I hope Juiced is going to announce a meaningful offer to those of us who pre-ordered to make up for their performance. They must understand that they don't have any credibility when it comes to their expected production dates. I guess we'll have to stay tuned for another mythical update.
from juiced facebook page yesterday: We will post up the HyperFat update today. Basically we are not happy with the arriving units and need a bit more rework. We expect the production to get underway in Sep. With shipments starting in October.

I didn't see anything on their Facebook page indicating an update today, was it removed?