People are strange


So I was out on Saturday, I got in a 22 mile ride, and as I was cranking along at 3 I passed another biker who was in tight and bright and a street bike. I am in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and 245 not exactly a picturesque biker. Anyway I am just riding to get back into shape the ST2 has made riding a joy again.

I don't think anything about it and when I glanced back the guy was up on his peddles getting on it as hard as he could. For those of you who don't know bikers in NE are very serious about biking and competitive. You even see old fat guys like me wearing tight and bright. I personally like to keep my fat rolls hidden. :)

The guy catches me at a light a few miles up and says, "Yeah I figured you were cheating" he was clearly irritated. I just said, "hey man if it gets me out and working up a sweat it is better than being at home on the couch watching TV." He smirks and says, "ebikes are for rich A-Holes" and peddles off.

It made me wonder how much the Italian carbon fiber bike he was on cost.
Why people can't mind their own business, is beyond me. If people have nothing nice to say, they should just move on. Would he rather you be in a car? less cars on the road is good for him. This is why I'm an introvert! I always say that I hate people, and in general that is true. People are rude, self centered, jealous, nosy, and A-holes :) . I like individuals, as they are nice, respectful, mind their business, free thinkers etc.

If I ask someone for their opinion I expect a truthful answer, regardless of if that answer is not what I want to hear. But, if I don't ask, keep that opinion to yourself LOL.

Best one can do is just ignore these people, even though sometimes you want to shut their mouth with your fist :) . I'm all for competition, but what makes this individual think everyone on the road is in direct compensation to his manhood is beyond me.

Good on you for getting out and getting some fresh air and exercise. I am 235 myself and just started back into biking. I ride a regular bike 5-7 miles every morning for pure exercise and fun. I have an ebike on order so I can increase the fun aspect by extending my rides much further.

"yes i am cheating my pre-diabetes and the pharmaceutical company where I no longer buy my Lipitor thank you for noticing " ..optional "A$$hole!" You can add to that " Do pedestrians think you are cheating them?" optional "A$$hole!" and finally "Thats what most of you losers say behind me!" Mandatory "MFer" :)
So I was out on Saturday, I got in a 22 mile ride, and as I was cranking along at 3 I passed another biker who was in tight and bright and a street bike. I am in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and 245 not exactly a picturesque biker. Anyway I am just riding to get back into shape the ST2 has made riding a joy again.

I don't think anything about it and when I glanced back the guy was up on his peddles getting on it as hard as he could. For those of you who don't know bikers in NE are very serious about biking and competitive. You even see old fat guys like me wearing tight and bright. I personally like to keep my fat rolls hidden. :)

The guy catches me at a light a few miles up and says, "Yeah I figured you were cheating" he was clearly irritated. I just said, "hey man if it gets me out and working up a sweat it is better than being at home on the couch watching TV." He smirks and says, "ebikes are for rich A-Holes" and peddles off.

It made me wonder how much the Italian carbon fiber bike he was on cost.
A good rap on the beak helps people be better humans. It might not stop him from saying it again...but he might flinch as he said it!
Keep up the good work Phanes. Pretty soon you'll be able to attain that speed at a 1 assist. In a few months you'll have the same conversation, then blow by him in 3.
I short circuit any conversations of that nature. While stopped at a light if I notice them checking the bike out I just nod and right off say I am a cheater. Then i ignore them, life's too short to spar with idiot's.
Before my ebike allowed allowed me to overcome my physical limitations, I had a negative view towards any support or funding for bicycle infrastructure in my community. Now that the ebike lets me get out on the city bike paths/lanes & enjoy that percentage of my tax $$, I'm a vocal advocate for said funding. The lycra clad shouldn't thank me, but jeez, how about a break? Folks who ride ebike probably pay alot of taxes. But I do understand the complaints about the MTB trails.
But I do understand the complaints about the MTB trails.

Which complaints? The ones that say they are more entitled to ride on those trails than someone on a peddle assisted ebike, which is legally classed as a bicycle?

Besides the, "it's ours you can't have it and if you do we all risk losing it because some ignorant bureaucrat hasn't a clue about eBikes and the damage they do not cause" argument, I've yet to hear an argument that makes any sense.
You handled it right Phanes.. If you really want to get his goat next time, kill him with kindness and offer to let him ride your bike.. Tell him its more fun than he can imagine!

People no longer give me a hard time cause I just challenge them to a race on my single speed track bike. It's a small town and I just pass them on either electric or track bike.. They just
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@Adrian I know right? If it all ever ends up before a judge I think he'll ask 2 or 3 questions in regards to the arguments that seem to always arise. Does the weight of the ebike affect trail damage anymore than a person can weigh 20 to 30 pounds different? No. Can a strong rider put out the power of a class 1 bike? Close to it. Can a regular bike be ridden at the same speed unpowered? Yes.

Oh and finally, what does the law say about a class 1 ebike? That it should be treated the same as a regular bike.

I don't plan on riding to too many trails anyway, but the mtb crowd at this point is making a mountain out of a molehill.
I'm disappointed, I clicked the song title and thought I was getting "People Are Strange"

People are at times, just smile and ride on by;)
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A good rap on the beak helps people be better humans. It might not stop him from saying it again...but he might flinch as he said it!

If one has a benevolent spirit then following the golden rule the mouthy gent has told you by his actions he deeply desires someone to disregard his dignity and assault his self-awareness with bold vigor.

Thus just one pop to the beak would be stingy I feel & not answering the "call to duty" he so blatantly begged for.
It would be kind to drag his inert carcass to the side of the road after gifting him his request though.
Today while riding a local bike trail I was stopped several times because people were interested in the bike. When they asked about the price I would tell them to ping ebikes of New England. I don't want to advertise I am on a 7k bike.
There are several reasons I ride an e-bike. 1. I live in a really hilly area. 2. I hadn't ridden a bike in over 15 years (I'm 40). 3. My knees have seen better days. 4. I enjoy riding a bike to explore, and would like to maximize the distance I can go (see #3). I don't find any of these reasons as a means to "cheat." I mean, cheat what? What/who am I cheating? I'm still outside, exploring neighborhoods/nature, getting exercise. I have to say, so far at least, my experience has been the opposite. On a couple of occasions I've had the "tight and bright" (as the OP put it) ask me about my ride. They were basically inquisitive in a positive way. One guy was curious how I was able to pass him and caught up to me after I decided to take a break for some water. He just asked if I had a motor and I said yes and I explained a few things. He was completely positive about it. The other guy chatted with me as we rode. He asked "are you generating electricity?" and I said, "Well, I'm using electricity, that's for sure." :)
Apparently eBikes are getting pretty big in Boston as people are using them to replace cars. Parking in Boston is horrible like most big cities. I guess right now there is a big push in the state senate for more laws regarding eBikes but not to restrict them but to support them. I am sure Boston would love to see an end to cars it would make running the city easier.
So I was out on Saturday, I got in a 22 mile ride, and as I was cranking along at 3 I passed another biker who was in tight and bright and a street bike. I am in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and 245 not exactly a picturesque biker. Anyway I am just riding to get back into shape the ST2 has made riding a joy again.

I don't think anything about it and when I glanced back the guy was up on his peddles getting on it as hard as he could. For those of you who don't know bikers in NE are very serious about biking and competitive. You even see old fat guys like me wearing tight and bright. I personally like to keep my fat rolls hidden. :)

The guy catches me at a light a few miles up and says, "Yeah I figured you were cheating" he was clearly irritated. I just said, "hey man if it gets me out and working up a sweat it is better than being at home on the couch watching TV." He smirks and says, "ebikes are for rich A-Holes" and peddles off.

It made me wonder how much the Italian carbon fiber bike he was on cost.
Exactly! I live in Chapel Hill, NC where the hills just make cycling, especially in heat and humidity difficult. The E bike flattens the hills! And as you say, it gets out in the fresh air, turns on the endorphins and reduces traffic and pollution. What's not to love. That other smart aleck in his lycras should be ignored.
i sold my first ebike to my friends wife, she fell in love with it. of course my friend was upset said she would not ride it, it was just a toy. 3 months later after he could not keep up with her on his regular bike he calls me to ask which ebikes i would recommend!