Overstock on BH Easymotion Bikes over 50% off on some models

I wonder which display/motor my Lynx 6 27.5 Pro + will have on it when I receive it tomorrow. No, wait, I got the one with the Brose system, so I guess no surprises for me! ;)

What was a little surprising to me is that the 'new' sales price on that bike at CL's site this week is $600 more than I paid for the bike on Mar. 10. Are e-bike supplies and inventory really getting low due to the virus, or (since they stated that e-bike sales were slow due to the virus) are they creating more headroom in their advertised prices to then give 'special discounts' to stimulate individual purchases for those who may be on the fence?

No worries on my end as our little 'fleet' of e-bikes is now nearly complete (although it now looks like July or thereafter before my wife's HyperScorpion gets delivered). But we can beat cabin fever and still achieve social distancing by getting out for little daily e-rides. It really is too bad that more folks (and I'm speaking from a U.S. perspective) haven't discovered both the practical and emotional value/benefit of e-bikes.

Good question regarding Lenny's... I found a few new deals on his website.

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CL is listing quite a few bikes now on their "crisis prices" page:

Also posting here as we don't have a BBB thread... I noticed a 2018 Stromer ST1 X Sport with "0 miles" showed up on BBB. Don't know enough about Stromer bikes to say whether this is a good buy but it may appeal to someone. Per comments at the bottom of Court's review it may eevn come with warranty despite purchased used:

CL is listing quite a few bikes now on their "crisis prices" page:

Also posting here as we don't have a BBB thread... I noticed a 2018 Stromer ST1 X Sport with "0 miles" showed up on BBB. Don't know enough about Stromer bikes to say whether this is a good buy but it may appeal to someone. Per comments at the bottom of Court's review it may even come with warranty despite purchased used:

Tomdav, nice find... thanks for posting. ;)


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Also posting here as we don't have a BBB thread... I noticed a 2018 Stromer ST1 X Sport with "0 miles" showed up on BBB.
Don't know enough about Stromer bikes to say whether this is a good buy but it may appeal to someone.
Per comments at the bottom of Court's review it may even come with warranty despite purchased used:

Tomdav, another great find on BBB... a new $5,000 Stormer ST1 X Sport for $1,700. ;)


Class 3 - 500 watt motor. Odometer currently reads 0 miles (subject to change). Battery: 618 Wh.
*** This model is currently operating on OMNI 2G. 3G upgrade may be purchased from an authorized Stromer dealer***

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At the listed price that Stromer ST1 X Sport looked interesting. Even the right size for someone who is 6'4" tall like me. But it comes with a 2G capable OMNI display module, which is no longer fully functional in the U.S. since 2G cell service ended this year.

Apparently Stromer has a discounted $349 upgrade path to the OMNI 3G system until June, 2020, but I don't know whether that would apply to the purchaser of a used bike? Otherwise the upgrade for full functionality would run in the $650 range.

Maybe still a good deal for an essentially unused Stromer?
Well, CL's has one fewer of their Bulls Cross E Diamond bikes they had on their Crisis Prices page.

The 500 WH Bosch PowerPack runs almost $900 alone!

Got to work directly with Crazy Lenny for a bit on the phone. Pleasant guy, and seems more sane than many during these crazy times.
At the listed price that Stromer ST1 X Sport looked interesting. Even the right size for someone who is 6'4" tall like me. But it comes with a 2G capable OMNI display module, which is no longer fully functional in the U.S. since 2G cell service ended this year.

Apparently, Stromer has a discounted $349 upgrade path to the OMNI 3G system until June 2020, but I don't know whether that would apply to the purchaser of a used bike? Otherwise, the upgrade for full functionality would run in the $650 range.

Maybe still a good deal for an essentially unused Stromer?

I agree the Stromer is a nice deal and it is built like a tank. I'm a bit surprised at the 3G upgrade price... I upgraded my car to 5G for less than $300. ;)
The bright side if anyone got the PW is I have an extra $75 tuning dongle for the PW since my buddy got the PW-SE and it's not compatible. The SE dongles are more expensive.
The bright side if anyone got the PW is I have an extra $75 tuning dongle for the PW since my buddy got the PW-SE and it's not compatible. The SE dongles are more expensive.

You don't need a dongle :).

And I still don't know how to pair the display to a fitness app on my smartphone and imo without that functionality there is not a significant difference between se and pw.
Probably would hit the 20 mph limit more often on the gravel with the wider gearing.
What is so special about these stromer bikes that make them so expensive?
A- they break down WAY more often and in order to fix them , one must endure months of servicing and numerous swapped parts .

You supposed to also have at all times at least 1grand worth of original Swiss milk chocolate while waiting for the repair to be completed.
That is a costly privilege .
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