
This helmet comes from Daymak in Toronto. I got it on sale for $55 CAD, or a total of about 80 dollars delivered to my door. I had been using a german army WW2 style open face helmet, but my face was taking a beating in freezing temps and in rainy situations. The full visor works terrifically well in limiting wind exposure, but in fully closed position does tend to fog from your breath. It also works better than I expected in quieting wind noise, and the view side to side is unrestricted. I found by leaving it up a tad, the fogging went away, I had a tad more noise than fully closed, but much less than the half helmet. The small vents by the chin strap attachment points are open mesh but partially blocked by hot glue gun globs. The other apparent vents seem to be cosmetic. The chin closure is pleasantly solid and of good quality. Fit and overall finish are very good. Very happy with this!
Addendum...came through a snow squall on the way home today, this skid lid was spectacular, all the wind protection of a full face motorcycle helmet, maybe 1/3 the weight, and totally unrestricted view. Happy head!
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