Nyon and Rohloff e14 Forgets Start Gear Setting


New Member
Hi all,

I have a 2021 R&M multicharger with the Bosch Nyon and Rohloff e14 system.

It’s a wonderful bike but I am having a recurring issue with the start gear.

I have set the e-shift start gear to 6th in the Nyon. Most of the time I get on the bike and this is honoured. The bike will shift to 6th when I come to a stop.

Occasionally though the Nyon resets this to 1st gear. It’s like it just forgets the setting and defaults to 1st, and I find myself at the first stop after power on pedalling like a mad man.

The system starts in the last gear used, which is always 6th as I stop in front of my place it shifts down, so I don’t notice the issue until I come to the next stop.

I then have to come to a complete stop and set the start gear to 6th in the e-Shift menu.

All software is up to date, motor, nyon, battery, and e-14.

Time between rides doesn’t seem to make difference, either does swapping profiles.

Any ideas on this?


Hi all,

I have a 2021 R&M multicharger with the Bosch Nyon and Rohloff e14 system.

It’s a wonderful bike but I am having a recurring issue with the start gear.

I have set the e-shift start gear to 6th in the Nyon. Most of the time I get on the bike and this is honoured. The bike will shift to 6th when I come to a stop.

Occasionally though the Nyon resets this to 1st gear. It’s like it just forgets the setting and defaults to 1st, and I find myself at the first stop after power on pedalling like a mad man.

The system starts in the last gear used, which is always 6th as I stop in front of my place it shifts down, so I don’t notice the issue until I come to the next stop.

I then have to come to a complete stop and set the start gear to 6th in the e-Shift menu.

All software is up to date, motor, nyon, battery, and e-14.

Time between rides doesn’t seem to make difference, either does swapping profiles.

Any ideas on this?


FWIW, this problem goes back to original Nyon. Mine “forgets” the start gear regularly.
Wow. It seems like a lot of people are having this issue!

Hopefully it’s a software fix that can be easily developed and applied.
Wow. It seems like a lot of people are having this issue!

Hopefully it’s a software fix that can be easily developed and applied.
Good to know this before i jump on my newly arrived SD with Rohloff. Thanks. I'm sure the software glitch will get full attention in an update.
We are having this same problem with our R&M Load 75 with Nyon and Rohloff e14 bought in June '22. I checked the firmware just in case but it is on the latest version. We didn't notice it happening for the first 2 to 3 months of ownership but recently it's been happening quite frequently. It's quite annoying so I hope Bosch get around to fixing it. We'll take it to the dealership if it keeps occuring and see if there's anything they can do.
Hey all. Bought my bike (R&M Load 75 with Nyon and Rohloff e14) in early 2021. I've done 7,930 km on it, as of today. I bought it to upgrade from my previous R&M Load 60 with derailleur gears which I did around 40,000 km on.

Current bike has all the latest updates over the air and at the dealer. Rohloff e14 is also running latest firmware as confirmed using an android tablet and Rohloff's own software tool.

Love the bike but have frequent daily issues with eShift being:

1. Gear indicator missing after one or two short rides. The bike is not fully shut down, and the Nyon head unit may or may not be removed, it doesn't seem to follow a trend. Removing and replacing the Nyon without any other actions usually 'fixes' this issue.

2. eShift constantly changes its start gear setting from 7 (my preference) to 1. This has caused me a few near misses and lots of frustration as it can do it mid ride (after several successful automated shifts!) at random with no pattern I can see.

They Nyon head unit also gives errors every couple of days (plugged in, recharged, not plugged in, restarted, full shutdown or not, doesn't matter).


So far my dealer has replaced the motor, Nyon head unit with a spare (back to original now) and the CANBUS connector from the Bosch motor to the Rohloff e14 unit.

I've also tried disconnecting the batteries and removing the Nyon head unit with a full shutdown for a few days. Problems came back on the second ride.

It seems that Bosch are most helpful in attempting to assist, Rohloff in Australia are a couple of random people with little to no experience at all and are completely unhelpful, and R&M are indifferent as long as they keep selling bikes. The dealer has been great, but what else can he possibly do when the support upstream is poor/non-existent?

I really loved my last bike, this one has been great but I paid dearly for the Rohloff 'best of the best' experience and have been very disappointed.

At a stage where I am considering taking it further to the dealer and R&M under Australian consumer law as it is faulty and has been since day one.
What a frustrating experience. Yes, sounds like the resolution should be the responsibility of the R&M dealer. My experience of my local R&M dealer resolving, Bosch, Rohloff and R&M issues has been good, including beyond two years.

You probably know this already, however as far as I can find the error codes relate to:

530 Battery pack error. Switch off the eBike, remove the battery pack and reinsert the battery pack. Restart the system. If the problem persists, contact your Bosch eBike dealer.

620 Charging error. Replace the charger. Contact your Bosch eBike dealer.

744 is ONLY displayed in the cockpit and not present in the Bosch diagnostic tool. Possible cause: E-14 system was not correctly initialized, delayed CAN bus signal from the DCDC-Can converter during eBike's starting phase.

Good luck
Thanks Peter! The dealer has been great throughout, and had previously replaced a faulty motor and forks on the Load 60.

Tried that with the 530.

620 I'll ask the dealer to try a different charger.

744 is the really frustrating bit. Since the motor and CANBUS connector have both been replaced, and the Nyon swapped I don't know what else other than the e14 unit or the rest of the wiring loom between the motor rearwards could be changed.

Either way, as I say, the dealer seems great, but doesn't seem to be getting the support he needs.

I've emailed R&M directly, but expect to get a polite "please contact your dealer" type message back and not much else.
If I remember correctly my Nyon displayed a 744 once, probably two years ago. There was something atypical about the sequence of events when I turned the bike on. Restarted everything and it has never reoccurred.

Have you been able to use the Rohloff app and connect successfully with the hub to check for firmware updates? It has never worked for me.
Yeah, I have done it a couple of times. It was fiddly, but did tell me it was connected that is was running latest software etc.
Yeah, I have done it a couple of times. It was fiddly, but did tell me it was connected that is was running latest software etc.
Three things, hopefully something useful in here for you.

1. Unfortunately, Rohloff is responsible for the E14 system up to a certain point, then it's Bosch. My understanding is that any problem first is analyzed for "who is responsible?"
2. I am surprised AUS-Rohloff has been useless. I was under the impression that Paul Moir has a good reputation. Has he left or is the E14 system just beyond scope?
3. In any case, I would try contacting Stewart Stabik at Rohloff. He responds to queries in English. You will need to make sure your hub is registered; you will not receive any assistance until this is done. Also have the E14 unit serial number on hand.

I think you should state what you have mentioned here -- that at this point, unless there's a clear path forward to resolution, you will have to appeal to Australia's "lemon law."

This is one problem with R&Ms -- the whole "too many cooks." The dealer is supposed to act as the facilitator, and it sounds as though Bosch has helped by approving swaps of possible faulty components. The problem with Rohloff is that there's mechanical Rohloff and e-Rohloff, the latter being a hybrid product that the mechanical experts have less familiarity with.
I wonder if intermittent battery contacts are causing spurious errors and problems.

Does the E14 normally change gears without problems?
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dblhelix - Thank you for your input. The feedback I've received from the dealer is that Rohloff AUS asked him to replace the Nyon with a Intuvia to see if that fixes it. He explained that a) that's a lot of work and wouldn't necessarily prove much, and b) the dealer lent me a Nyon to try. Seemed to fix the issue.. for a few days. I'll try to contact Stewart as suggested. Everything is registered etc.

Peter - That's certainly something I've wondered. As an aside, when I've had the bike on charge, it would occasionally chirp (I use the Bosch Nyon lock whatever it is called) and the headlight would come on, then back to charge as if it had been disconnected and reconnected. Happened at the new house with new power cables (but same adaptor) too..

Very occasionally, maybe once a week or two, I'll try to pedal and get no assist although the Nyon is in a powered mode, and not showing any issues. I have to take the Nyon off and back on again to reset it.

I use this bike as my daily commuter, don't have a car, have two kids to take to school/daycare on it every day and these issues are becoming.. tiresome..
When the bike is connected to diagnostics at the R&M shop does it show any errors or offer any clues?

Is the Nyon skaking in its mount as you ride, particularly over rough stretches of road?
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Absolutely no diagnostic error codes coming up other than what I see on the display almost every day. Even sent the data to Bosch for viewing, but don't know what came back (if anything).

Nyon is rock steady. I can use it now, come home. Leave the bike parked (recharging or not plugged in), get back on and it will have lost the gear setting. Unseat the Nyon, reseat and chirp-chirp, it's back again. Mid ride, it has never gone, always between rides.

The start gear set DOES however disappear in between and even mid ride. Again, almost every day or at least every other day now.
This is very baffling.

A somewhat whimsical question: what happens if you turn the lock feature off.

As an aside, I turned the auto downshift off quite early on. I found that it sometimes caused delays at intersections when lights changed to green immediately. Instead I change down as I approach stops. I realise it may be different for a cargo bike.

If the motor, cables and nyon have been replaced, does this lead to the battery and its connectors, or the handlebar control switches?

Good luck. I'd be interested to hear of the outcome.

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