Nyon 3.0 OTA firmware available

An entire version increase and navigation is still useless. Is it just old maps or is there a purpose built "feature" that causes it to ignore bike lane roads. This still wants me to take a ferry to get to Manhattan from Brooklyn NY, when all 3 major bridges have bike lanes?! Seriously Bosch, I want to like let alone EVER use the navigation. It is the main feature of the Nyon! Everyone about to type, get a garmin or use this other device or 1 device cant do everything great, STOP! The main differentiating factor in Bosch's lineup is navigation for the Nyon and it is still abysmal and frankly dangerous!
An entire version increase and navigation is still useless. Is it just old maps or is there a purpose built "feature" that causes it to ignore bike lane roads. This still wants me to take a ferry to get to Manhattan from Brooklyn NY, when all 3 major bridges have bike lanes?! Seriously Bosch, I want to like let alone EVER use the navigation. It is the main feature of the Nyon! Everyone about to type, get a garmin or use this other device or 1 device cant do everything great, STOP! The main differentiating factor in Bosch's lineup is navigation for the Nyon and it is still abysmal and frankly dangerous!
I have not tested it but I really only make maps and upload them to the bosch. then I can get the roads and ways I want to go.
You are so correct about this....I used it just once. Its such a terrible idea to have this on a bicycle and especially a device that sends you down busy high traffic roads. Our city has such a nice network of bicycle lanes that are totally ignored with Bosch's navigation NYON.
I am using Nyon for navigation periodically, however I don't use it to create a route (exactly for the reason mentioned above) - I am creating routes using Komoot and RideWithGPS and push them to Nyon. Yes, this is shame that such a basic thing doesn't work, but this is at least something...
I am using Nyon for navigation periodically, however I don't use it to create a route (exactly for the reason mentioned above) - I am creating routes using Komoot and RideWithGPS and push them to Nyon. Yes, this is shame that such a basic thing doesn't work, but this is at least something...
when you look how long garmin and wahoo spent on routing and how long it took and sometimes even garmin does not get it right. so ya I made my routes and upload them.
when you look how long garmin and wahoo spent on routing and how long it took and sometimes even garmin does not get it right. so ya I made my routes and upload them.
That is why I think to make it right Bosch needs to partner with someone who does the navigation, instead of trying to make it by themselves.
That is why I think to make it right Bosch needs to partner with someone who does the navigation, instead of trying to make it by themselves.
Aren't they partnered with Telenav for the mapping/navigation?
They use OpenStreetMap but for some reason cripple the experience by curating years old versions of the maps, the maps are not live. Reminds me of the navigation system DVDs for cars decades ago!
But now car navi systems update with USB drives, and the prices are higher! When is Android Bike coming to market? :)
Oh man, I'm feeling this. I kind of wish I had read this to set my expectations lower. It's really bad. I think the thing that frustrates me most is that if I create a custom route, if I deviate just a little, it appears to pick a new, completely random route for the rest of the trip, even if I rejoin the original route - it tries to direct me elsewhere.

I hope this either gets better or they somehow offload routing to another provider like Google Maps somehow.
Oh man, I'm feeling this. I kind of wish I had read this to set my expectations lower. It's really bad. I think the thing that frustrates me most is that if I create a custom route, if I deviate just a little, it appears to pick a new, completely random route for the rest of the trip, even if I rejoin the original route - it tries to direct me elsewhere.

I hope this either gets better or they somehow offload routing to another provider like Google Maps somehow.
I found now if I am actually on the route then start the route it will send me back to the start. I think thats what its doing for you send you back to where you left off.
3 of the most famous bridges in the US connect Brooklyn New York to Manhattan and Nyon navigation directs me to take a ferry!! They have no intent to do the work to fix Nyon, it was DOA when it was released. Bosch does not care about us and we are an acceptable "breakage" of unsatisfied customers that will fade into oblivion.
I found now if I am actually on the route then start the route it will send me back to the start. I think thats what its doing for you send you back to where you left off.
I was wondering what it was doing. That makes a lot of sense. And by "makes sense" I mean it matches the behavior I'm seeing, not that it is actually good or useful or anything.
I was wondering what it was doing. That makes a lot of sense. And by "makes sense" I mean it matches the behavior I'm seeing, not that it is actually good or useful or anything.
my old nyion before the update would show both the way to go and the way to go back to where you goofed even if you were on the route again. but you could actually get there.
3 of the most famous bridges in the US connect Brooklyn New York to Manhattan and Nyon navigation directs me to take a ferry!! They have no intent to do the work to fix Nyon, it was DOA when it was released. Bosch does not care about us and we are an acceptable "breakage" of unsatisfied customers that will fade into oblivion.
The problem, as I've said here before, is that we're not really the "customers" of Bosch, except for the rare one of us who buys an after-market Nyon. Bike manufacturers are the principle customers, and appear to be the ones Bosch listens to.
Curious how they leave us hanging with frustrating products - cobi.bike and now Nyon...