Not a happy story....


Well-Known Member
Piedmont Highlands
It might not be much to learn here either, other than watch out:oops:. It's hard to avoid something like this.

What a kind group of people! No, sorry I didn't make it clear. This wasn't me, a friend sent this to me because I was once rear ended by a cop in the same type of circumstance, at a stop sign while I was on a motorcycle. I should've been more clear. Sad story.
Seems like this was posted on the forum last year in another thread.

Last summer I was in a bike lane at 6 am in the dark. Passing through a university campus on my way to work. No other traffic or parked cars. An oncoming vehicle veered into the oncoming traffic lane and headed right for me fortunately at slow speed. Right into the bike lane and turned right in front of me into a service drive. I had to lock up the brakes and felt like I was lucky to not have gone over the hood of the SUV. It was the university police. I couldn't see the driver because I was blinded by headlights so I don't know if he/she was sleeping or on the phone but I really couldn't understand how I wasn't seen as I was well-lit both on bike and on body. Unfortunately I had no video otherwise I might have filed a complaint with the department.

Another day I was stopped at a red light at a major boulevard and I saw a sheriff's deputy in a marked car drive right through the red. No emergency. No lights. She was on the phone apparently having quite the conversation. Holding the phone with one hand, gesturing while she spoke with the other and presumably steering the car with her knee. Public safety officers?
LoL @ those YT comments -> Officer: "Do you know why I ran you over today" ?? :D

I avoid the road like it is made of hot lava. Unfortunately, I do have about a 300 yard ride to get to my trail system if I want to ride from my house, and the ONLY time I stress on my bike is those 300 yards.
I understand there's probably no defense against a distracted driver, but this is one reason why I like to have lots of lights on my bike. I understand that I make things painful for pedestrians and drivers sometimes (some of my bikes have lights that are a bit excessive) but this is a tradeoff, and in return I get greater safety.
Guy is lucky he was wearing the helmet cam. That should establish proof of who was "in the wrong".
Helmet cam for the win. New bike and more with even a 1/2 arse attorney. Could have been much worse and that is the monetary point to be made. Just no excuse for it.
Heck, the cops in my city would probably keep driving, and if caught, the PD would confiscate the video and never take any admission to the incident. I hope this guy is okay, and at least get his doctor bills paid along with enough compensation to cover a new bike replacement. Smart move with the helmet cam. Worth the investment!
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Helmet cam for the win. New bike and more with even a 1/2 arse attorney. Could have been much worse and that is the monetary point to be made. Just no excuse for it.

Depending on the situation that can be much easier said than done.

If that was a typical small-town police department, they won't have much money available so it will take a long time to collect, if you ever actually do. Also, if you live in a small community even if you are one hundred percent in the right suing the local police isn't going to make you popular.
Depending on the situation that can be much easier said than done.

If that was a typical small-town police department, they won't have much money available so it will take a long time to collect, if you ever actually do. Also, if you live in a small community even if you are one hundred percent in the right suing the local police isn't going to make you popular.

Yeah, sometimes you just can't win with these cases. Large city corruption to cover up said incident, and small town cops will keep you blacklisted in the department and can easily make life a living hell for you and your family. One thing for sure: they all stick together and will do anything to get out of the responsibility of making it right and fair for the average Joe. No accountability at all with so many cases on the docket.
Last October, I went out for what was to be my last ride of the year. I had gone just about 20 miles, and was just under 2.5 miles from home. I was in need of a drink, so I pulled over, off the road and went to get my water bottle. I had my back to the road and looked at the traffic and the next thing I knew I was in the air. The person just drove off and left me laying there. I could not move and thankful for the lady who came to my rescue, after going to the hospital, I had broke my back in two places. The idiot who had hit me was drunk. I'm glad for the lady who saw this and reported it.