"No fair." In so many ways!


Well-Known Member
Today I was cycling around my town, for exercise, on a route where many cyclists ride and train. I passed a group of three, and one guy hollered at me, "No fair."

As I pedaled onward, I thought. Yep, no fair.

No fair that I don't have your knees, so can't ride a regular bike on this hilly route or in my hilly town.
No fair that some people don't have the balance to ride an ebike.
No fair that some people have physical disabilities that prevent them from riding an ebike.
No fair that some people are too sick or in too much pain to ride an ebike.
No fair that many can't afford an ebike.

Me passing a conventional cyclist? Nope there's nothing "no fair" about that, since I'm not competing with them. I'm out, enjoying the beautiful day, the breeze in my face, the gorgeous scenery, and the opportunity to get great exercise and have a great time. What's "no fair" is that everyone can't share the beautiful experience of cycling.
I love the fact that when a non assisted bike rider calls a person out for riding an ebike, they fail to realize that riding any type of bike isn’t always about competition, training, etc. They often fail to realize that a lot of ebiking is about utility and practicality.

On my commute route I pass many other non-ebikes. What I’m thinking when I pass someone on a fully decked out road bike is:

- that’s an awesome road bike
- I wish I had the strength and energy to do a 17 mile one way commute unassisted
- that must be great to have enough time to ride and enjoy the scenery

That little bit of envy goes both ways, we all just need to understand that we’re all some form of bike, which means less cars.
I get passed by roadies all the time. In fact, about the only times I find myself consistently faster than competent and fit road bikers are on sustained uphills. Although I almost always ride at a pretty low level of pedal assist and target a speed of around 12-15 mph.
Today I was cycling around my town, for exercise, on a route where many cyclists ride and train. I passed a group of three, and one guy hollered at me, "No fair."

As I pedaled onward, I thought. Yep, no fair.

No fair that I don't have your knees, so can't ride a regular bike on this hilly route or in my hilly town.
No fair that some people don't have the balance to ride an ebike.
No fair that some people have physical disabilities that prevent them from riding an ebike.
No fair that some people are too sick or in too much pain to ride an ebike.
No fair that many can't afford an ebike.

Me passing a conventional cyclist? Nope there's nothing "no fair" about that, since I'm not competing with them. I'm out, enjoying the beautiful day, the breeze in my face, the gorgeous scenery, and the opportunity to get great exercise and have a great time. What's "no fair" is that everyone can't share the beautiful experience of cycling.

"No fair" isn't necessarily a criticism - often it's wistful envy. I know I said similar things when I'd be struggling up a hill on my analog bike and an ebiker passed me.
THAT ("NO FAIR" No fair that I don't have your knees, so can't ride a regular bike) should be a T-shirt with the message front AND back!

In fact, I'm convinced ebikers would be best served with Tshirts that have specific messages about why they ride an ebike.

For instance:

- One Less Car (eBike)

- My other car is my only car (eBike Commuter)

- Bad knees, no problem, still riding (eBike)

- Heart Patient, riding & smiling (eBike)

- Butt's on a bicycle seat and not in a car (eBike)

- Doctor's Orders (eBike)
I'm convinced ebikers would be best served with Tshirts that have specific messages about why they ride an ebike.
For instance:
- One Less Car (eBike)
- My other car is my only car (eBike Commuter)

Perhaps: My other ride consumes natural resources while providing pollution and congestion.
Mine would read, "Because I want to ride as fast as when I was 25 years old." :D
HA!! But not repeat some of the most monumental crashes! My body, 50+ years later is FAR more fragile. 70 yer old noodles are easily rattled and scrambled, not to mention brittle bones. VVBG
THAT ("NO FAIR" No fair that I don't have your knees, so can't ride a regular bike) should be a T-shirt with the message front AND back!

In fact, I'm convinced ebikers would be best served with Tshirts that have specific messages about why they ride an ebike.

For instance:

- One Less Car (eBike)

- My other car is my only car (eBike Commuter)

- Bad knees, no problem, still riding (eBike)

- Heart Patient, riding & smiling (eBike)

- Butt's on a bicycle seat and not in a car (eBike)

- Doctor's Orders (eBike)
My fav is your 1st.
My stock reply to such things is to smile broadly and say, "I know, right?" Along with a thumbs up if I can do it safely.