No customer service response from biktrix about delays and shipping method

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Tried email, chat, phone, leave number, no response for 5 days so far. Must be bad when a company known for customer service is not giving any. Ordered a juggernaut classic may 7 with delivery time as mid June. Trying to find out what the delays are going to be. Facebook group doesn’t know anything, some say mid July now at the earliest. (former employee) Maybe even longer? Yikes. I wish bixtrix was more transparent with their ‘estimates‘. I bought to use in Summer, not the fall. I’m an old man with limited time left.

Would have bought local ‘in stock’ had i Known wait for shipping could be 2 months or more from purchase date. Anyone here spoken to bixtrix CS recently? Almost tempted to cancel my order, pay more, and get a bike they actually have in stock. Lol! but good luck even trying to cancel at this point. BTW, the only reasons I bought from biktrix was because of their quick answers to my questions in chat last month, when another Ebike company did not answer my questions. That service is no longer there. Maybe even chat support is helping assemble that quota boatload shipment from China? Anyone know what shipping method they use?
yes, that number. Left two chat messages June 8 and got an email confirming message received and someone would get back to me. On Tuesday, left a phone message and call back. just got call back few minutes ago. Was told shipping on juggernaut (mid June) now delayed until end of June. What if it goes even longer? What are refund options? Do I still have to pay restock fee?
yes, that number. Left two chat messages June 8 and got an email confirming message received and someone would get back to me. On Tuesday, left a phone message and call back. just got call back few minutes ago. Was told shipping on juggernaut (mid June) now delayed until end of June. What if it goes even longer? What are refund options? Do I still have to pay restock fee?

How could you have to pay a restocking fee if the bike never left inventory to begin with?
I can understand that you could be upset, but no one on earth imagined a year like this. Even Amazon Prime is shipping slowly. Don't be in a hurry to cancel, a lot of local shops are now sold out. Inventory has to be at an all time low. I'd even guess that they don't have an idea when they will ship. But since you got a response from roshan, you should get a response soon.
How could you have to pay a restocking fee if the bike never left inventory to begin with?
She told me on the phone it was subject to a restocking fee If I wanted to cancel the order now. I even considered getting a more expensive bike that was actually in stock now, but they didn’t have the right color.
I can understand that you could be upset, but no one on earth imagined a year like this. Even Amazon Prime is shipping slowly. Don't be in a hurry to cancel, a lot of local shops are now sold out. Inventory has to be at an all time low. I'd even guess that they don't have an idea when they will ship. But since you got a response from roshan, you should get a response soon.
When I ordered May 7, we were well into covid panic. A delay for covid should already have been built into the mid June delivery date they gave me. If I knew there would be delays of 2-3 months from purchase date, I would have just bought local because there was still bike stock in Vancouver at that time. The problem is that now I’m out $3500 with no firm idea when the bike will be delivered and faced with restock fee on top of it If I cancel. Could easily be delayed again.

I don’t get the restocking fee part either. I paid, they further delay the order from the agreed upon mid June date (which was already 5-6 weeks delay after I paid May 7)) , take 5 days to answer a simple question, then tell me I have to pay a restock fee if I want to cancel the order? Honestly, I’m a bit concerned. Where is the great biktrix service here? Also, when it finally comes in, they could easily sell the bike I ordered a 100 times over as there is plenty of demand.
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Restocking fee for a bike they don't have yet....I think not. 👎
How much effort is there in going on their computer and cancelling your order.

The delay is not Biktrix's fault, but that doesn't mean they should honour anyone cancelling their order because of a multiple-month delay.
When I ordered May 7, we were well into covid panic. A delay for covid should already have been built into the mid June delivery date they gave me. If I knew there would be delays of 2-3 months from purchase date, I would have just bought local because there was still bike stock in Vancouver at that time. The problem is that now I’m out $4000 with no firm idea when the bike will be delivered and faced with restock fee on top of it If I cancel. Could easily be delayed again.

I don’t get the restocking fee part either. I paid, they further delay the order from the agreed upon mid June date (which was already 5-6 weeks delay after I paid May 7)) , take 5 days to answer a simple question, then tell me I have to pay a restock fee if I want to cancel the order? Honestly, I’m a bit concerned. Where is the great biktrix service here? Also, when it finally comes in, they could easily sell the bike I ordered a 100 times over as there is plenty of demand.

How did you pay? If by Paypal it's a no brainer, you will get your money back. If by CC contact your CC company, but I'm betting they are on your side. This is not a good company policy and not good for customer relations. Roshan???
How did you pay? If by Paypal it's a no brainer, you will get your money back. If by CC contact your CC company, but I'm betting they are on your side. This is not a good company policy and not good for customer relations. Roshan???

PayPal and shopify has introduced a no refund on merchant fee policy which means even when a refund is processed on our end, they charge a 3.5-4% fee on the transaction. We have outlined this clearly in our refund policy that is on every page footer on our website. It is also there on the terms and conditions that customers are REQUIRED to agree to before purchase.

When an order comes through, we start allocating parts, and labor to build wheels etc for that bike. The restocking fee is to cover a small portion of this labor and merchant fees.
When I ordered May 7, we were well into covid panic. A delay for covid should already have been built into the mid June delivery date they gave me. If I knew there would be delays of 2-3 months from purchase date, I would have just bought local because there was still bike stock in Vancouver at that time. The problem is that now I’m out $4000 with no firm idea when the bike will be delivered and faced with restock fee on top of it If I cancel. Could easily be delayed again.

I don’t get the restocking fee part either. I paid, they further delay the order from the agreed upon mid June date (which was already 5-6 weeks delay after I paid May 7)) , take 5 days to answer a simple question, then tell me I have to pay a restock fee if I want to cancel the order? Honestly, I’m a bit concerned. Where is the great biktrix service here? Also, when it finally comes in, they could easily sell the bike I ordered a 100 times over as there is plenty of demand.
Mid June is an estimate. All bikes that we promised mid June are very likely to ship in June. Unfortunately, no one can give accurate estimates on delivery times. Google was off 8 weeks with their estimate when I ordered their phone. We are no way close to being as big as Google. Please be patient, it's only a few days delayed. To make up for the delay, we've upgraded all customers to air shipping - which means you get your bike in 3-4 days once we ship instead of the typical 10-15 days.
PayPal and shopify has introduced a no refund on merchant fee policy which means even when a refund is processed on our end, they charge a 3.5-4% fee on the transaction. We have outlined this clearly in our refund policy that is on every page footer on our website. It is also there on the terms and conditions that customers are REQUIRED to agree to before purchase.

When an order comes through, we start allocating parts, and labor to build wheels etc for that bike. The restocking fee is to cover a small portion of this labor and merchant fees.

I paid by CC.

Building wheels on a bike shipped from China? I thought it’s ‘made in China’, shipped from China, then assembled in Canada. How can you build anything if you haven’t received it yet? How does this justify a $350 (for me) 10% restocking fee on a bike not received by you or even shipped to me yet? The restock fee of 10% is the same if I already received the bike and send it back to you, compared to you not even getting it from China yet and me deciding to cancel? How can this possibly be the same expense for you? And even if it costs to allocate parts, it’s not like I bought a unicycle with little resale value. You could easily sell my custom bike in five minutes, probably at a markup, to 500 people. Especially as it would then be ‘in stock‘ and even more attractive.

And it‘s not a few days late. I was told ‘end June’. That’s already two weeks late off your ‘mid June’ timeline and could easily be more. Then another delay? What do you say when delays add to delays? I just sit and wait it out? The contract was I pay, and you ship a bike, at the promised time (mid June) , which by the way was already a 5-6 week wait for me. My receipt and your web site at time of order said ‘bike ships in mid June’ I screen shot this. It did not say ‘Estimated to ship mid June.’ If you want to call it an estimate now, you need to make this clear up front at time of order.

I talked to one of your former 2.5 year employees on the Facebook biktrix owners page and even he said you need to be more transparent with possible delays.

You can understand that I get nervous when a small, practically unknown bike company sits on $3500 of my money on top of a 2 month ‘minimum‘ delivery date, with no assurances it won‘t go beyond, and then also takes 5 days to answer a chat question or phone call. I should not have use a Facebook bike owners page in a desperate attempt to reach your company. If you are overwhelmed, hire more CS support. Must be tons of people, like me, out of work.

Now I’m at the point I consider wanting to cancel my ‘non assembled/non existing/non shipped‘ bike order and actually buy a bike I can get today or within a week, and I have to pay a $350 restock for it? Make that restock fee clearer in your terms as well. Put it right on the front page after assembling the bike and before hitting buy button. This is not something that people experience on a regular basis. I‘ve never had a restock fee come up on a non delivered item In my life, from any vendor. You must know you are an exception, so make it CLEAR.

bottom line: knowing what I know now, with surprise restock fees on a bike you don’t even have yet, extended delays, slow response to chat/phone calls, more work and stress for me dealing with Facebook page (ugh, the usual internet drama from ‘biktrix owner’ within 5 seconds of my first innocent post), I likely would not have ordered from you. Be assured that the fb page does biktrix NO favours from some people to help your reputation. I’m sure most of them are fine, but it only takes one idiot to ruin it all. Keep customers away from FB. Answer your phones. I instantly regretted even going there to try and contact you.

Ways to improve your service: How about sending an email to all prepaid customers apologizing about your delays, etc? If you know you are swamped and can’t even answer the phone (I tried 3 times on different days. Sorry, this is ridiculous) you can at least send out a mass email to your pre paid customers explaining the situation. Ie: “sorry for delays...sorry if you tried to contact us by phone or chat and we didn’t respond. we don’t have enough people to handle it...” It’s easy and that could already go a long way. You must also understand that there is very little feedback about biktrix out there. Virtually nothing on youtube. I could barely even find a single juggernaut video review not made by Biktrix.

I can’t be the only one wondering what’s going on. We are talking about thousands of $$$ gone from my account on day of sale May 7, not removed at time of delivery. This is not a delay on a $15 amazon shipment. Keep in mind, YOU are doing very well in covid times, so well you can’t even supply Customer service anymore, and many like me, are not doing well at all, so I do not feel sorry for you. Step it up.
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Mid June is an estimate. All bikes that we promised mid June are very likely to ship in June. Unfortunately, no one can give accurate estimates on delivery times. Google was off 8 weeks with their estimate when I ordered their phone. We are no way close to being as big as Google. Please be patient, it's only a few days delayed. To make up for the delay, we've upgraded all customers to air shipping - which means you get your bike in 3-4 days once we ship instead of the typical 10-15 days.

???? Your own rep, 3rd week of May, told me shipping was 3-5 days, but not by what method. Canada post? UPS? Huge variance here. No one ever told me it was 10-15 days. So it looks like 3-5 was standard already, not an upgrade. I still don’t know how you ship, in spite of asking in chat twice. The only answer I got was from fb page from bixtrix owners (canpar?) and that might not even be accurate.

Update: I finally found how you ship within Canada buried far down terms on the right side of a column way underneath US shipping information (?) in an easy to miss location small font one line sentence. Yay! But this is a small question answered in the big picture.
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PayPal and shopify has introduced a no refund on merchant fee policy which means even when a refund is processed on our end, they charge a 3.5-4% fee on the transaction. We have outlined this clearly in our refund policy that is on every page footer on our website. It is also there on the terms and conditions that customers are REQUIRED to agree to before purchase.

When an order comes through, we start allocating parts, and labor to build wheels etc for that bike. The restocking fee is to cover a small portion of this labor and merchant fees.

As I understand it that merchant fee is not supposed to passed along to the customer. So, in effect you are making your problem the customer's problem.

This whole conversation is not a good look for Biktrix. I understand that your company is going through rough times, but you are not winning the PR battle here (at least not with me).

I don't know how you can fix all the problems you are facing and I hope you can stay in business because you assemble some nice bikes.

Maybe you can change your policy. Rather than take the whole price of a bike, take a 10% non-refundable deposit. Now the customer has less money tied up for months and you still have some commitment from them. In these times, even if they bail out, you know you will be able to sell that bike in short order.

Right now you are alienating a significant portion of your future customer base, in the sense that it's not like they can't go someplace else to order. I know that I, for one, take all this into consideration when making my decision about where to put my ebike money.
I agree, the 10% service charge is not cool and understand your frustration. The poor communication from Biktrix certainly doesn't help.

A couple notes:
-The restock fee for returned products is minimum 15% and is called out separately in the same TOS section as the 10% service fee for cancelled orders.
-Pre-orders are ALWAYS estimates from EVERY vendor, and the reality is that since they are all competing for the same buyers the vendors are not going to list worst case scenarios as their ship date.
-Biktrix does call out in the TOS Pre-sale stock will attempt to ship by promised date, but logistic delays are common so +/- 3 weeks may be added to your order. It sounds like they are still in their window.

Hopefully your frustration will melt away when your bike shows up and get to start enjoying it.
Please see my comments below to each of your concern:
Building wheels on a bike shipped from China? I thought it’s ‘made in China’, shipped from China, then assembled in Canada. How can you build anything if you haven’t received it yet? How does this justify a $350 (for me) 10% restocking fee on a bike not received by you or even shipped to me yet? The restock fee of 10% is the same if I already received the bike and send it back to you, compared to you not even getting it from China yet and me deciding to cancel? How can this possibly be the same expense for you? And even if it costs to allocate parts, it’s not like I bought a unicycle with little resale value. You could easily sell my custom bike in five minutes, probably at a markup, to 500 people. Especially as it would then be ‘in stock‘ and even more attractive.

Not all our bikes come ready to go in a box from China. Almost all of our bike that are priced over $2500 come from Taiwan or China or US in bare parts - Ie. Frames come in (biggest bottleneck) from the factory by sea/land(for US), Rims come in from Alex, or Surly, or Norco, or LTP, or Wienmann, or one of our partners in Asia. The spokes come in from Sapim. The wheels then get built and allocated for each order while we wait on frames. This is why in most of our videos taken at the HQ, there are lots of wheels everywhere and often people building them. The brakes then come in from Magura/Tektro etc. and each brake hose is pre-cut and bled for each bike as every bike is slightly different in overall length. Then when the frames arrive, we assemble bikes and ship to customers.
When an order comes through our system, we hold it for approx 48h before doing anything - just to give the customer an opportunity to make changes or cancel. Once that timeline is passed, we start preparing parts for that order. This is how we're able to offer different brakes, wheels, batteries, display, seat, handlebar options for customers. We are not the typical importer and reseller of bikes like most of our other competitors online.

And it‘s not a few days late. I was told ‘end June’. That’s already two weeks late off your ‘mid June’ timeline and could easily be more. Then another delay? What do you say when delays add to delays? I just sit and wait it out? The contract was I pay, and you ship a bike, at the promised time (mid June) , which by the way was already a 5-6 week wait for me. My receipt and your web site at time of order said ‘bike ships in mid June’ I screen shot this. It did not say ‘Estimated to ship mid June.’ If you want to call it an estimate now, you need to make this clear up front at time of order.
We actually say these exact words in our terms of service: "We do our best to keep full stock of all products, but unforeseen circumstances may arise. Pre-sale stock will attempt to ship by promised date, but logistic delays are common so +/- 3 weeks may be added to your order.".
We're not off by the +/- 3 week period.

These are the terms you agreed upon by checking the "I accept to have read all terms and conditions" checkbox during checkout.

I talked to one of your former 2.5 year employees on the Facebook biktrix owners page and even he said you need to be more transparent with possible delays.
We would be more transparent if we could be more transparent. There are several factors in logistics that can cause delays and no one can accurately predict them. For example: Shanghai and Taipei port estimates loading period to be anywhere between 2-20 business days. Customs in US and Canada estimate clearance to take 1-30 days. Port availability in Vancouver claim to be 3-15 days. Typical time taken at any of these bottlenecks are completely up in the air. We make best estimates based on our past experience. If we know something for sure, then we update customers.

You can understand that I get nervous when a small, practically unknown bike company sits on $3500 of my money on top of a 2 month ‘minimum‘ delivery date, with no assurances it won‘t go beyond, and then also takes 5 days to answer a chat question or phone call. I should not have use a Facebook bike owners page in a desperate attempt to reach your company. If you are overwhelmed, hire more CS support. Must be tons of people, like me, out of work.
That's totally understandable. If it makes you feel any better, Biktrix is backed up by PFM Capital (a venture fund that manages approx a billion in assets). So we're not going anywhere. We do have 6 full time staff in CX but these days they have been slammed - which is why we sold out of almost all bikes we have in stock and pre-sold almost all bikes coming in.

Now I’m at the point I consider wanting to cancel my ‘non assembled/non existing/non shipped‘ bike order and actually buy a bike I can get today or within a week, and I have to pay a $350 restock for it? Make that restock fee clearer in your terms as well. Put it right on the front page after assembling the bike and before hitting buy button. This is not something that people experience on a regular basis. I‘ve never had a restock fee come up on a non delivered item In my life, from any vendor. You must know you are an exception, so make it CLEAR.
We have our terms and condition on every page on our website. Look at the footer link for terms of service. We also have a mandatory checkbox that you HAVE to check prior to purchase. PS: we are not the only ones that charge restocking fees. Here are some others:
RAD: " Any and all pre-orders and backorders that are canceled prior to shipping are only eligible for a 90% refund of the total order price. " source:
Juiced: " Cancellation of unshipped orders will be subject to a 10% restocking fee (for pre-orders as well as in-stock items). " source:
There are many others, you can simply Google it.

bottom line: knowing what I know now, with surprise restock fees on a bike you don’t even have yet, extended delays, slow response to chat/phone calls, more work and stress for me dealing with Facebook page (ugh, the usual internet drama from ‘biktrix owner’ ahole within 5 seconds of my first innocent post), I likely would not have ordered from you. Be assured that the fb page does biktrix NO favours from some people to help your reputation. I’m sure most of them are fine, but it only takes one idiot to ruin it all. Keep customers away from FB. Answer your phones. I instantly regretted even going there to try and contact you.
Sorry to hear that you weren't a fan of the facebook owners' group. I personally think that the group is great. 1600+ folk posting about their rides and how their lives have changed from owning an ebike. I also love the community there as they help each other with various recommendations and troubleshooting/assembly tips. But I guess to each his own.
Like I said previously, it is unusual that we don't get back to customers/anyone that leaves us a message. Feel free to email me directly at [email protected] and I can look into what happened in your case.

Ways to improve your service: How about sending an email to all prepaid customers apologizing about your delays, etc? If you know you are swamped and can’t even answer the phone (I tried 3 times on different days. Sorry, this is ridiculous) you can at least send out a mass email to your pre paid customers explaining the situation. Ie: “sorry for delays...sorry if you tried to contact us by phone or chat and we didn’t respond. we don’t have enough people to handle it...” It’s easy and that could already go a long way. You must also understand that there is very little feedback about biktrix out there. Virtually nothing on youtube. I could barely even find a single juggernaut video review not made by Biktrix.
We are just waiting for more info from the port. We will be sending an update email as soon as we have more info - likely this weekend. Here are reviews made on Biktrix bikes that are on youtube made by others:

Bonus: review from 4+ years ago when we were the only mid-drive fat bike with 750W of power:

I can’t be the only one wondering what’s going on. We are talking about thousands of $$$ gone from my account on day of sale May 7, not removed at time of delivery. This is not a delay on a $15 amazon shipment. Keep in mind, YOU are doing very well in covid times, so well you can’t even supply Customer service anymore, and many like me, are not doing well at all, so I do not feel sorry for you. Step it up.
I understand and we are working on it. Unfortunately, we have to manage with the 6 staff on phone lines for now because we are not allowed to have more people working together due to Covid. Remotely training CX staff to have consistent messaging is not easy - we're working on it. Just not there yet.

Like I said before, apologies for your rough ride. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'll dig into what happened to your email/call.
As I understand it that merchant fee is not supposed to passed along to the customer. So, in effect you are making your problem the customer's problem.

This whole conversation is not a good look for Biktrix. I understand that your company is going through rough times, but you are not winning the PR battle here (at least not with me).

I don't know how you can fix all the problems you are facing and I hope you can stay in business because you assemble some nice bikes.

Maybe you can change your policy. Rather than take the whole price of a bike, take a 10% non-refundable deposit. Now the customer has less money tied up for months and you still have some commitment from them. In these times, even if they bail out, you know you will be able to sell that bike in short order.

Right now you are alienating a significant portion of your future customer base, in the sense that it's not like they can't go someplace else to order. I know that I, for one, take all this into consideration when making my decision about where to put my ebike money.

Thanks for your feedback. We will see what we can do. That being said, for logistics reasons we can't take a 10% deposit to book a bike. I understand this can be a deal breaker for many, but this is the practice industry wide. You can see my post above with links to others that do the same.
thanks for clarifying. Put it all in your ‘ABOUT’ page. Could be very helpful. I will hold to the idea that you:

1) Make time estimates UP FRONT and not bury it in ‘terms’. No one reads every sentence of a ‘terms’ agreement. look at my situation. I find your site, because my first choice doesn’t reply to emails after 5 day wait. I talk in chat and on the phone with your CS (initial quick response) and get excited and buy an expensive bike. My inexperience with ebikes is obvious as I ask a lot of questions. CS should clue in to my inexperience and tell me that a restock fee would happen, (especially as I was at $3500) but did not. We are talking a large amount of money lost, not 10% of $50.

When I read ‘Mid June” I expect mid June. It’s a trust in advertising issue, not “Sorry, your fault for not reading TOS.” That is WEAK. Simple solution is put (+/- 3 weeks ESTIMATED delivery) right by ‘ MID JUNE’ on the buy page. Problem solved. Then I can’t say anything. Otherwise it‘s misleading and looks like you’re hiding something.

2) I saw those videos but how many for the Juggernaut classic I bought? One? And it’s bad. I like to read about the exact model, not models that cost $2000 more. Totally different bikes. One review is quite pedestrian, says very little, and the other is 4 years old, completely out of date. In fact, it’s so bad for lack of actual user experience, the first thing on my mind when getting the bike was to do a proper video review of it here in Vancouver. I have a substantial YouTube channel and would have done this for free, but now, not so sure. I saw all the videos first, but I was never swayed to buy it based on the only juggernaut classic video. I only bought based on QUICK CS support to my questions when I was motivated to buy an Ebike. Also, you post a review that you paid for? Lol!

3) when I say have never seen a 10% restock fee on anything, it’s true. You are mentioning other bike companies, which is not what I’m talking about, and I have never bought a bike, let alone an Ebike, online from anyone in my lifetime. Again, spell it out on the BUY page. You can be sure I won’t be the only one surprised that he can’t get a Full refund for a non Shipped item. Shipped item, totally understand, but not one that has not shipped. We are not all Ebike specialists who buy from multiple bike companies and know that a restock fee for non shipment is normal.

4) As for Fb, of course you being the owner of biktrix, your experience there will be entirely different to a newbie like me who wades into the shark tank of a public forum and is immediately attacked for having the nerve to ask for biktrix support. It’s a complete turn off, and it reflects on your company. Maybe go read the post before saying “...Each to his own.” This makes it sound like it’s my fault I had a negative experience there, trying to contact YOU, which is entirely the fault of one your ‘customers’. This person was also moderated.

5) your own support said the reason they didn’t get back to me for five days is because you are all busy, but thanks for direct email.
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Spatzi, if you paid by credit card ( and no one should buy anything expensive from the internet in any other way) just do a charge back on the restock amount. If you have a decent card they'll charge it back even if there is some fine print. The van realizes you're their customer and they went lose anything since they charge it back to the merchant.
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