No customer service response from biktrix about delays and shipping method

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While i sympathize with the frustration of waiting for a pre-order and feeling handcuffed by the terms you agreed to, I would cut Biktrix some slack. This is a not an easy world to run a business, I don't believe they intentionally deceived you, they provided a best estimate initially and are doing their best to get you your bike as soon as possible within the terms of the agreement. If you have to wait longer than is stated in the terms then perhaps you have a case for a chargeback but you shouldn't need to. At that point they should be willing to refund you given they did not hold up their end of the terms. Roshan is handling this extremely professionally and I think that speaks to company values in a positive way. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks for your comments, I'll look into what can be done.
1. Good suggestion, we'll look into adding a tolerance to shipping estimates.
2. The only reviews we have paid for are the EBR ones - and they are upfront about that in their disclaimer in the start of the video. All other reviews are user generated. We don't control the quality of videos that our customers generate.
3. Refer 1.
4. Not sure what your post said, but the Facebook community is a community of owners. We don't control independent minds. If any post gets abusive, we do moderate it to keep conversations couth.
5. Yes, during these times, every growing company has delays in customer response. We're not alone or immune to that.


thanks for clarifying. Put it all in your ‘ABOUT’ page. Could be very helpful. I will hold to the idea that you:

1) Make time estimates UP FRONT and not bury it in ‘terms’. No one reads every sentence of a ‘terms’ agreement. look at my situation. I find your site, because my first choice doesn’t reply to emails after 5 day wait. I talk in chat and on the phone with your CS (initial quick response) and get excited and buy an expensive bike. My inexperience with ebikes is obvious as I ask a lot of questions. CS should clue in to my inexperience and tell me that a restock fee would happen, (especially as I was at $3500) but did not. We are talking a large amount of money lost, not 10% of $50.

When I read ‘Mid June” I expect mid June. It’s a trust in advertising issue, not “Sorry, your fault for not reading TOS.” That is WEAK. Simple solution is put (+/- 3 weeks ESTIMATED delivery) right by ‘ MID JUNE’ on the buy page. Problem solved. Then I can’t say anything. Otherwise it‘s misleading and looks like you’re hiding something.

2) I saw those videos but how many for the Juggernaut classic I bought? One? And it’s bad. I like to read about the exact model, not models that cost $2000 more. Totally different bikes. One review is quite pedestrian, says very little, and the other is 4 years old, completely out of date. In fact, it’s so bad for lack of actual user experience, the first thing on my mind when getting the bike was to do a proper video review of it here in Vancouver. I have a substantial YouTube channel and would have done this for free, but now, not so sure. I saw all the videos first, but I was never swayed to buy it based on the only juggernaut classic video. I only bought based on QUICK CS support to my questions when I was motivated to buy an Ebike. Also, you post a review that you paid for? Lol!

3) when I say have never seen a 10% restock fee on anything, it’s true. You are mentioning other bike companies, which is not what I’m talking about, and I have never bought a bike, let alone an Ebike, online from anyone in my lifetime. Again, spell it out on the BUY page. You can be sure I won’t be the only one surprised that he can’t get a Full refund for a non Shipped item. Shipped item, totally understand, but not one that has not shipped. We are not all Ebike specialists who buy from multiple bike companies and know that a restock fee for non shipment is normal.

4) As for Fb, of course you being the owner of biktrix, your experience there will be entirely different to a newbie like me who wades into the shark tank of a public forum and is immediately attacked for having the nerve to ask for biktrix support. It’s a complete turn off, and it reflects on your company. Maybe go read the post before saying “...Each to his own.” This makes it sound like it’s my fault I had a negative experience there, trying to contact YOU, which is entirely the fault of one your ‘customers’. This person was also moderated.

5) your own support said the reason they didn’t get back to me for five days is because you are all busy, but thanks for direct email.
I ran a quick poll to check the pulse on our support team's response to incoming emails and calls. Looks like we did indeed miss the mark in about 6.7% of the cases. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll discuss it with my team lead and see how we can bring that down. Way down.
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So when I ordered my bike, I knew of the delay. The delay was mentioned in the FB group as well as online. I am also aware when I buy something from Prime I no longer get it in a day. I also know that when I bought a stupid pair of pliers off a FB ad only after my order did I receive an email stating I would get my $15 pair of pliers in 2 months.
These are trying times but after getting an email about the delay for my stupid pliers I realized I had to take inventory of myself. And I encourage you the same. Yes, I too threw $3k site unseen, butt untouched and hoping. Hoping it fits me. Hoping I like it. Hoping. I too do not have $3k to send to random strangers. But I also recognize I have come to live a Prime Blessed life, and have taken for granted the nuances of worldwide manufacturing. As Roshan pointed out, parts come from all over the world. Not right down the road. We take that for granted.
Maybe provide constructive feedback on your experience, it appears they are listening. These indeed are different times. This is not an Biktrix problem. It’s not an ebike problem. It’s a worldwide problem. Hell we still have forums on where you can buy toilet paper on any given day!
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So when I ordered my bike, I knew of the delay. The delay was mentioned in the FB group as well as online. I am also aware when I buy something from Prime I no longer get it in a day. I also know that when I bought a stupid pair of pliers off a FB ad only after my order did I receive an email stating I would get my $15 pair of pliers in 2 months.
These are trying times but after getting an email about the delay for my stupid pliers I realized I had to take inventory of myself. And I encourage you the same. Yes, I too threw $3k site unseen, butt untouched and hoping. Hoping it fits me. Hoping I like it. Hoping. I too do not have $3k to send to random strangers. But I also recognize I have come to live a Prime Blessed life, and have taken for granted the nuances of worldwide manufacturing. As Roshan pointed out, parts come from all over the world. Not right down the road. We take that for granted.
Maybe provide constructive feedback on your experience, it appears they are listening. These indeed are different times. This is not an Biktrix problem. It’s not an ebike problem. It’s a worldwide problem. Hell we still have forums on where you can buy toilet paper on any given day!

Have you not read my long post outlining Constructive customer service feedback and ideas? The owner himself is possibly listening to some of them and there are plenty of others who agree with points I made. I ordered May 7 with a due date of maybe July 7? I‘m out of work since March, spent $3500 extremely hard earned coin on a bike on an unknown and tiny company with virtually no reviews, as an investment to possibly get back to work.
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Have you not read my long post outlining Constructive customer service feedback and ideas? The owner himself is possibly listening to some of them and there are plenty of others who agree with points I made. I ordered May 7 with a due date of maybe July 7? I‘m out of work since March, spent $3500 extremely hard earned coin on a bike on an unknown and tiny company with virtually no reviews, as an investment to possibly get back to work.

To be fair: we did mention that the bike would be shipped in June right on your invoice. Please have a look at the snippet from your invoice. So the question is, would we still ship in June as mentioned on the invoice? Very likely, yes. So claiming that you ordered May 7 and didn't get the bike is only partly true. The accurate sentence would be "I ordered the bike on May 7, that was promised to be shipped in June, and that hasn't happened yet". Then again, June isn't done yet.

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@roshan is a highly regarded member of this forum, as are Biktrix bikes. But sadly it seems like you have worked yourself into such a frenzy that you will never be happy with your new Biktrix bike, regardless of how perfect it may be or when you receive it.:(

While I don't see anywhere that Biktrix has been at all dishonest or inaccurate, I'm wondering whether it is time for them to cut their losses, refund your purchase price in full, and just allow you to move on to a purchase from a different company.
I can totally understand about delays as right now every e-bike company is facing delays. Radpower, Juiced, Ariel Rider, Tern. What I can't understand or accept is charging a restocking fee for an e-bike which hasn't been stocked at all. Biktrix couldn't keep their responsibility of delivery time, then they shall give full refund to any customer want a full refund.
@roshan is a highly regarded member of this forum, as are Biktrix bikes.
But sadly it seems like you have worked yourself into such a frenzy that you will never be happy with your new Biktrix bike, regardless of how perfect it may be or when you receive it.:(

While I don't see anywhere that Biktrix has been at all dishonest or inaccurate, I'm wondering whether it is time for them to cut their losses, refund your purchase price in full, and just allow you to move on to purchase from a different company.

I am afraid that this is the only correct answer.

Biktrix should not rely on the fine print when discussing customer service... never a winning strategy.

A wise man once said, “If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.” 😉
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I had a bunch of questions before I made my purchase. I messaged Roshan on Facebook, and he messaged me back in a bit and helped me out. I thought that was awesome, but I didn't want to take advantage of it and bother him too much so when I came up with some more questions I emailed their support. I was nice about it. I heard back in a day or so, got my questions answered. I've emailed back and forth several times with many different questions, and I always hear back when they get to my email in their queue. Anyone who's corresponded via email with a company expects its going to take at least a day to hear back. I've even had several phone calls with their support group because of a special situation with my order where I might have gotten my bike a few weeks early (it didn't work out). Sometimes they called me, sometimes I called them. When I called them I either got through to someone (Shannon) immediately, or I left a callback number and they called me back when they got to me in the queue. Again...this isn't anything new, this is how correspondence works.

Biktrix hasn't done anything wrong here, and I am sorry that Roshan has to go through it. He seems like he cares about his customers, his product, and his staff.
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I'm afraid that most EBR members will not see this thread as evidence of providing great service as you stated... 😉

It documents they are NOT "taking care of their customers both before and after the sale like they have been doing"
I totally agree. I feel sympathy for Biktrix and understand that they face issues. But if you can't deliver bike on time and there is a significant amount of delay, better full refund to your customer. In the end you aren't really losing any money. You are just losing profit and maybe at most credit card processing fee. I work for an outdoord furniture company and we also face lot of delays and tell them to customers. And some of them want refund and we fully refund them even we have legal right to charge them a restocking fee. It is our right but not ethical to do.
I hope Biktrix will learn their lesson
I can totally understand about delays as right now every e-bike company is facing delays. Radpower, Juiced, Ariel Rider, Tern. What I can't understand or accept is charging a restocking fee for an e-bike which hasn't been stocked at all. Biktrix couldn't keep their responsibility of delivery time, then they shall give full refund to any customer want a full refund.
I have to agree with this. It's ridiculous to charge a restocking fee for something that never shipped. That's what you call a cancellation of order which should result in a full refund.
Nonsense... Biktrix has already lost this customer and 1000 other EBR members who will read this.

Poor customer service is not a winning business strategy... sadly Biktrix will have to learn the hard way. 😉
It's a bit immature and a shortsighted strategy to play who blinks first on a public forum with a customer. Whatever the ridiculous restocking fee is Bitrix is "losing" is not worth the bad publicity, and if that fee will make or break the company, that's another reason consumers should look elsewhere. Honestly, if the demand is so high where orders are backed up, why can't they just sell this bike to another customer? This make no sense to me.
She told me on the phone it was subject to a restocking fee If I wanted to cancel the order now. I even considered getting a more expensive bike that was actually in stock now, but they didn’t have the right color.
Thats terrible. No fee should ever be charged if it never left their warehouse.
When I ordered my watt wagons superbike it was made very clear that there would be no refunds and that pre-payment in full was necessary for lowest price. Similarly for credit card payment I could choose to pay the fees or choose a less expensive payment method. Rationale for the restocking fees has been provided by Roshan in this thread if anyone wants to bother to read before they post. My impression was everything was good until some troll decided to personally attack the OP and stir the pot.
FWIW my Frey bike was over a month late. I tried to cancel and Frey wanted to charge a $200 fee. No fine print, best I can tell they pulled that fee out of their backside. In hindsight glad I didn't cancel, love the bike, was worth waiting for even if not perfect, better to be out riding than wasting life typing on the internet.
Those of us who own a Bitrix bike and have dealt with Roshan know this thread is wacked. complain complain complain. nothing better to do but complain. If you ever get the bike and you look back at this thread and say " man i was a deuce bag to Roshan".
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Another thought, with bikes being in the extreme high demand they are, it's not like the bike that's been canceled would be sitting around for months unsold.
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I've dealt with Roshan and company for close to three years. Yes, sometimes, things took bit longer than I wanted but I took into consideration what a tough business they are in. Several times Roshan has gone above and beyond what I expected. For example, I have the original nylon gears my Ultra and Roshan sent me the steel ones for free. Who does that ? I'm still so glad I bought a bike from them and love it every time I ride it.
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