Next Ocean Current Upgrade?


New Member
I recently purchased a CCS and it's great-for me. My significant other is close to buying the Ocean Current, as she wants the comfort. But for $1599, (although a good price compared to other "name" brand e-cruisers), it still has the older display, and the older 12.8 battery. We called juiced , and they indicated that buying a new upgraded display will Not be compatible with the existing OC. They also had no comment on any plans for a "upgrade" OC to hit the market. So question is whether it's worth waiting for the next generation with likely a 13V 78 cell battery, and probably also supporting the new display screen; or just go for the current version. My guess is that the OC is probably much farther down the Juiced lineup/sales, and gets far less attention than the flagship bikes.
In some buyer locations ,at current quoted price, buying via Amazon gives you free OC assembly at a local bike shop. While the initial set-up assembly appears quite easy for the OC, apparently there have been significant issues (gear adjustments/ brake and rotor issues) that would make the pro-assembly worthwhile. To me, adjusting a fender stay is one thing; delving into true-ing rotors and adjusting gears is another. (So far I have not needed to go to a bike shop for my new CCS; I centered the brakes; and gears seem ok so far with no adjustment.).