New to EBikes and RadMini - Dallas


New Member
I just had a major birthday and decided to treat myself. So I ordered a white RadMini. I haven't seriously biked in over 30 years. I'm hoping this will motivate me start riding again and eventually ride a lot, ride often and use it for exercise. I need to get my slim figure back, or at least similar to the way it used to be, so I don't grow old and die alone. I can always hop on this bike and meet new friends. I think it's going to be fun.
I just had a major birthday and decided to treat myself. So I ordered a white RadMini. I haven't seriously biked in over 30 years. I'm hoping this will motivate me start riding again and eventually ride a lot, ride often and use it for exercise. I need to get my slim figure back, or at least similar to the way it used to be, so I don't grow old and die alone. I can always hop on this bike and meet new friends. I think it's going to be fun.
Happy birthday! I really want to know which birthday is the ebike birthday? I might be due for 2 more by now....
The Radmini hasn't arrived yet. So I guess it's birthday will be when it gets here. I have friends who are in their 20s who ride quite often. I suppose now, I can go with them and it won't wear me out completely. It should be fun.
I've got about 50 miles now on a Rad Mini that's somewhere around six weeks old. I was impressed with it on the very first ride.

It's a highly capable machine. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
There are a couple of e bike dealers in the area but they're around 50 miles from me. I'm really looking forward to this because it will be so much fun. And where I stay, there so many bike trails. I've been on some of them with my regular bike so I'm looking forward to this.