New Kinekt 50 Degree Comfort Stem on 2022 Vado 5.0

Absolutely! It's like a stem extension and suspension stem/spring. I know it is higher (did not measure) but where I park my bike the clearance from the top of the handlebars to the shelf it is under is less than before. I did a 12-mile ride today and all I can say is that it's much like riding the Como (2022) as far as handlebar comfort. Also remember, I swapped out my handlebars to the prior year's (2021) Como style, and it is swept back slightly more than the OEM.
The reach is a non-issue as I used different handlebars (might be referenced in a post a year or 2 ago when I used the same one on my 2021 Vado 5 for better reach).
I'll see if I can clarify/document the exact notes.
How big of a pain was it to swap the bars?
How big of a pain was it to swap the bars?
If you are mechanically inclined, not a big whoop. If you never did it before, you might want to take pictures and document what you take off first and last so you know what order to work when doing the on/off of components. Again, I may have been. a bit perplexed on my very first try a few years ago, but it's easy to fix a mistake, just a pain in the butt. Just don't tighten things to their final tightness until things are where you want them, etc., then once comfortable with the install, tighten (don't overtighten).
How big of a pain was it to swap the bars?
The infuriating thing there is you have to remove all the gear/controls from the existing bars to reinstall them on the new ones. Maintaining all the angles, such as the brake lever angle relative to the handlebar grip etc. Now, if you have swapped flat handlebars for curved ones, your handlebar grips might not match, etc. There is also the trouble with the cable slack (your existing cables could be too short!)
The infuriating thing there is you have to remove all the gear/controls from the existing bars to reinstall them on the new ones. Maintaining all the angles, such as the brake lever angle relative to the handlebar grip etc. Now, if you have swapped flat handlebars for curved ones, your handlebar grips might not match, etc. There is also the trouble with the cable slack (your existing cables could be too short!)
Using the Como (or equivalent) previous year's handlebars, no shortage of cables, etc. As Stefan states, you only need to adjust the grips, levers, and gear shift selector to your preferred setting.
These handlebars are about as close to the OEM 2021 Como handlebars you can get:

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