New California Law


Deleted member 803

Effective today:

"New Safety law goes into effect today......When passing cyclists, give 3 feet of space or slow to safe speed."

Should be obvious to any conscientious drivers but I guess we will take all the legal safety assistance we can get.
...and what low speed (exactly) a 'safe speed'(?).
In other words, one either crosses the center line doing exactly the speed limit (a judgment call involving oncoming traffic that can very well get you puled over...for nothing)...or 'take your chances' that one is deemed to be traveling at a 'safe speed' by staying in your lane...with the bicycle at all times (during the pass) determining said 3 foot space...and (now/without a doubt) being pulled over.

Pass a bike?

Expect to get pulled over. Is that the manner in which we all wish to live(?)...or has common sense been completely thrown out the window in California and elsewhere here in the United States?
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If you are giving a bicycle 3 feet and in the process you cross the center line I don't think a cop will pull you over. If you need to slow down and wait for your opportunity to safely pass a bicyclist then so be it. After all the driver just sits on their butt pushing a foot pedal. If you see a farm tractor with hay blocking the lane you slow down until you can pass it. Same thing with a bicycle. If you get behind a moped then you slow down until you can safely pass the moped. For bike 3 feet is not a huge gap. It's a good separation to keep everyone safe. Roads were not built only for cars. Roads were built for all kinds of vehicles one of which are cars.
I don't think a cop will pull you over.

I don't live in California so I have no idea whether laws are enforced as written there or not.

Where I live...there would be no question whatsoever as to whether you would get pulled over or not if the law was written as such (nor would there be any argument on the general public's part after the fact).

I'm not crazy about getting pulled over for doing the right thing (crossing the center line) or allowing a bicyclist's ability to maintain a straight line (at all times) be my only judgement of "3 feet" (i.e failing that/getting pulled over).
We have that law here in Maine for at least a year. I has been non issue for controversial pull overs. It's a good law.
"..When passing cyclists, give 3 feet of space or slow to safe speed.."

If it's such a great law...what's the 'safe speed' as defined by bicyclists...(vs) as defined by the person with the power to pull you over/fine/arrest you...(vs) as defined by the motorist simply attempting to get to where they're going...without worrying about (yet) another 'law' threatening their freedom?