Need recommendations...

I went to a different bike shop and they recommended the small. (They didn't have a small in stock, and the shop that suggested the medium did have a small in stock, so I think their recommendations were unbiased.) I decided to go with the small, and I'm very happy with it. I already bought a suspension seat post, which I probably wouldn't have been able to fit on the medium. Thanks again for your help!

Now it is time to share a picture of your new bike !

Craig :cool:
I don't have any outdoor photos; it's a bit chilly in PA to ride -- for us, at least! Here they are in the store -- the white is mine, and black is my husband's. We can't wait for Spring!
I don't have any outdoor photos; it's a bit chilly in PA to ride -- for us, at least! Here they are in the store -- the white is mine, and black is my husband's. We can't wait for Spring!
View attachment 42519

Good On Ya .................. ! :cool:

My Wife & I did the same thing.
And we really feel we made the right choice in regards to an Ebike that "Feels Like a Bike".

Three Tips I will pass along...............

The "Gear" (1 thru 8) you choose when shifting will make a lot of difference as to how well & efficiently the motor will Assist you.
So play around with that, and get yourself familiar with what Gear (1 thru 8) supports the Motor (assist level you are in) best.
And of course, Hill or Flat plays in on that too..... obviously.

2. Pause your Peddling for a split second, when shifting gears. Then resume peddling. Kinda like using a Clutch on a car.

3. If you happen to experience a Click,Click,Click at the wheel hub when shifting gears......There is a VERY simple adjustment you can make to the Gear Shift Cable (up at the Right Hand break lever, see Pic 1).

A Tiny little Twist or two, Clockwise or Counter Clockwise, will loosen or tighten the Cable to the Gear Hub (at the wheel).
And all you have to do is Look at the Two Little YELLOW marks in the Gear Hub (see pic 2. below),
and twist until both YELLOW marks Line Up. Easy-Peasy.

Pic 1.

Like this = =

NOT like this =

Pic 2. (this pic is of a different bike, with a chain, but the concept is the same).

These are Our Bikes................... Have a great time with yours ! Craig :cool:


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One key item the recommendation charts don't mention is leg length. Some people have very long legs proportionately, some very short. I'm the latter. Whether you can reach the ground when the bike has to stop is important, and longer legged people have the advantage here. Bike "size" has to do with the distance between seat post and handlebar stem. That measurement has more to do with how long the torso and arms are. Various handlebars can be bought to adjust the posture after you buy the bike. The seat can only be adjusted down so much if the rise is too high. Hope this helps you decide what size you need. Be aware, for maximum efficiency when pedaling unpowered, the leg should be only slightly bent with the crank at the bottom. Seat adjustment up can help make that happen. But with the seat up you should also be able to comfortably reach the handlebar controls with only as much bending over as you like. Racers bend over radically, I'm like you, I've always liked the almost upright style called "cruiser" now but was called "English racer" when I was young. I have a quite wide seat I can sit on for 4+ hours without pain or numbness.
Furthermore, bike shops tend to stock large, and sometimes medium. In most cases the shop will make you pay for a small bike in advance, then if you don't like it when it comes in, tough, you own it.
I advise going to a discount store or a charity resale shop with a tape measure, sit on some bikes, find one you like, and measure it. Stem to post and lowest seat position to crank center are crucial measurements. i was prohibited from sitting on a bike I liked at a LBS since I didn't have a helmet that day, and funny thing, I didn't buy that bike and I've never spent another dime there. I instead ordered the bike left new off the internet.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I am having problems with e-bikes' geometry. When I find one where the seat isn't too tall for me to get onto, my knees are bent too much. I realize that over time after one's confidence in riding a bike builds, there are ways to get off the bike or stabilize at a stop sign even if one's feet don't touch the ground in upright position. But that takes time, riding that bike often.... if I recall correctly.