Hey Guys finally received mine!
mounted in about an hour as well with some help needed from my girlfriend

(the front weel)
I already have the fenders btw.
View attachment 64368
A few issue that I had:
The throttle was mounted to close from the display and could not be actionned properly. Se picture bellow.
View attachment 64369
It was stuck half way into the middle, twisted and almost broken.
I managed to move slightly the light and the display to the right to allow more space for the throttle and it seems that everything is fine now and the throttle works properly.
Other than that the cables in the front were wrap in a black plastic twist (sorry I do not know how to call that). It gets in the way of the light and it was too tight to mount the handle correctly. So I had to undo it and redo it slightly less tight. I assume this is to protect the wires from the rain and I was wondering if I need to keep it or would to remove it completely?
I have emailed Newgen about these 2 issues.
Also I got a question for you guys, does the front weel disk break touches the break like on the picture bellow and is this expected?
View attachment 64370
Also I have not been able to locate the serial number. has any of you been able to?
I tried the bike for 10 mintes, my first thought is that it is going nowhere without the engine

and that it will be a nightmare to ride if I am out of battery.
otherwise it is great fun and I cannot wait to try more. I crossed 3 people and all of them were looking at me like if I was some sort of alien...