National Bike Month

Jeremy McCreary

Bought it anyway
Carlsbad, CA
May is National Bike Month in the US. Oddly, can't find any mention of it on EBR this year.

Q: Are you or your community doing anything to observe/promote it?

Encinitas is having a big event with several streets closed to cars this weekend. And my bike-friendly state assemblyperson is organizing a Bike to School Day.

That's all I know about locally, as we've been on an Oregon-California road trip since May 4. So far, the only Bike Month references I've seen are some lighted signs on US 101 in northernmost coastal California saying


In the 150 miles we've come this morning, maybe 10 southbound touring bikes on this remote and rugged stretch of Hwy 101. Bikes generally have a wide paved shoulder to ride on here, and I've seen few incursions.

But I wouldn't risk it personally. Lots of long, steep hills, dangerous curves, trucks of all kinds, and many cars desperate to pass them. The nearest ambulance could easily be too far away to save you.
every month is national bike month for me and I celebrate every day
Same here. Every day is bike to _________________ day. One thing I am doing is leading a group ride from one side of town to the other on Tuesday to the Cool Petaluma Expo 2024. It is an organization helping to meet our climate goals. I will be talking with people who have electric bike questions.
in my Speedo
Leather chaps can help accentuate a Speedo for a total together look. Everyday is bike day for me just like everyday is 4/20 for @Rome.
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I rang my bell a few extra times in honor of the event.
People near by had no idea of the occasion and offered to shove it in a special place for me if I wanted to celebrate further.
Leather chaps with a speedo is a great look for ridding your bike to a rodeo. Then you can pair that with a My First Rodeo t-shirt.
May is National Bike Month in the US. Oddly, can't find any mention of it on EBR this year.

Q: Are you or your community doing anything to observe/promote it?

Encinitas is having a big event with several streets closed to cars this weekend. And my bike-friendly state assemblyperson is organizing a Bike to School Day.

That's all I know about locally, as we've been on an Oregon-California road trip since May 4. So far, the only Bike Month references I've seen are some lighted signs on US 101 in northernmost coastal California saying


In the 150 miles we've come this morning, maybe 10 southbound touring bikes on this remote and rugged stretch of Hwy 101. Bikes generally have a wide paved shoulder to ride on here, and I've seen few incursions.

But I wouldn't risk it personally. Lots of long, steep hills, dangerous curves, trucks of all kinds, and many cars desperate to pass them. The nearest ambulance could easily be too far away to save you.
My accident 2 or 3 years ago happened about midway between two fire stations. Though I wasn't conscious at the time, I heard the EMTs from both stations had a jurisdictional dispute. I'm not sure whether it was "He's ours, in our jurisdiction," or "No, you take him, he's in your area." Not sure how long I laid there before they got that sorted out.