My nightmarish experience with Rad Power.

From what I've picked up, water is the preferred method for battery fires. You apparently need a lake or at least a pumper truck full of water though. Peeing on the battery will just get your wiener and or buns roasted.


above is from FEMA based on FDNY best practices

From above documents it appears that they do use water to extinguish lithium battery fires.
Oh, come on! I know you know a lot about batteries.but do you really think a one word answer like that is going to convince anyone that I'm wrong???

Maybe there are different best methods depending on the circumstances but apparently water is one of them. Battery fires
At least there seem to be different opinions

Opinions are not facts. I apologize, i was hurried and also concerned that owners be lulled into thinking something as simple as water could save the day. Unfortunately ive seen a battery fire and there are even videos here on EBR showing the futility of using water. A Lithium fire blanket or copper based extinguishers, both expensive are best. Some sites suggest ABC extinguishers. Again not to be depended on. Eliminating oxygen works best. IME and research.

above is from FEMA based on FDNY best practices

From above documents it appears that they do use water to extinguish lithium battery fires.
So who among us can provide that volume of water? Battery fires are extremely hot. Lots can happen in 5-10 minutes. Home water flow levels will do very little.