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My battery isn't charging or well. The last two times i've put it back on the trike (always charged after riding) it's read 37v at the start. The first time I thought I must have forgotten to turn the power switch on the battery on and it hadn't charged though it was plugged in. Even though in retrospect I know that's not right because I always look for the LED. I've been using rechargeable batteries for 20 years. So tonight when I took off and it was again 37v I know I've got a problem.
The LED has never gone green, but it was always 41v after charging so I didn't worry about it.
Battery was down to 36v after my short ride but was on level 5 almost the whole time squeezing in a ride between the past 48hrs of rain here. And motor still performed great till the very end.
Anyone know at what voltage the motor restricts then stops assisting?
Does the battery have to be in the "on" position to charge? That seems odd... I don't think mine is that way... The LCD display has to be on, but not my 48V Battery. It even lights up the on/off button while it's charging.
IIRC my 36V battery was at 41V fully charged. I believe they told me 26V was about as low as it could get and still work. My 48V battery is similar. Has 53V fully charged and they tell me it's done at about 37V.
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