New Member
Hello fellow bikers, I'm a newbie with ebikes and feel a little frustrated since I traded my recently acquired first bike of 250W for a 400W one. It results that this new bike doesn't have speed gears for pedaling and also is as slow as the first one; about 22km p/h (less than 15 miles p/h) I believe that such lagging is due to its very heavy body which includes a second seat that can be transformed into a platform to carry goods of whatever; also, it has two lateral metal platforms to carry more boxes. Those who know all type of ebikes probably know what I am talking about. My honest question is: Can I do something to make it a little more faster? I'm thinking to get rid of the second seat and the metal transportation gear, but I still think that the bike is going to continue being slow after I take off the heavy stuff. Your insights and advise will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Victor.