Multicharge Suspension setting....


Active Member
Hey Guys,

I have had my Mulitcharger for a couple weeks and have some questions regarding the front suspension. Its the first time I have ever had a bike with suspension so I am still sorting it out.

1) There is a small red adjustment knob on the end of the right front fork. Not sure where I should be setting this. It seems to be very loose. There is a small label (yellow) that has some information on it but its too small for me to read.

2) The left side has an air adjustment and being 164 lbs, do I have to set this to a specific pressure (set to 70 psi from the factory so I read).

3) The right side has a blue knob on the top of the front fork. It has about 5 to 6 set points. I don't have a "feel" for where this should be set and would certainly like some explanation.

Thanks...I don't think I am the only one with these questions. The LBS just cut me loose without any details regarding this.

BTW I am thoroughly enjoying this bike!
best thing is to try it out. usually they will tell you how much sag you want in the fork when you sit on its you add for remove air to get that. usually the right side is lockout rotate it one way no suspension the other different amounts of movement.