Mounting Car Horn on ST2

Rick Huizinga

Active Member
I've been looking at this car-like bicycle horn:

From what I can tell, the horn cannot be mounted on the top or down tubes due to the battery and touch screen. Additionally, the rectangular stem is too large as well.

The company (Loud Bicycle) has suggested mounting it under the seat or on-front of the rear rack and running an extension cable to the handle bars for the horn's button.

Has anyone else looked at getting this horn and mounting it to their ST2? How have you mounted it to your bike?
Look at the reviews on that horn Sina suggests. 19% give it a "1". That's a lot of negatives, IMO.
You're right that cheaper one does have terrible reviews. I only included it because it showed up as a similar item to the Hornit and the point I was making was there are options that don't need routing wires all over the bike or changing the stem.
I've looked at those as well, they are just loud for the sake of being loud. I don't think a car driver will instinctively know what to do when hearing that sound for the first time. Hearing a car horn has a trained response, which can make a difference when in counts.
At the risk of opening a can of worms, I'm a little worried about this post. I love the freedom that pedelecs have (so far) to ride roads, bike paths etc without requiring a license. When I'm riding my Stromer sport through traffic and pedestrian areas, I drop into Eco mode and give others space in order to appear less conspicuous.... On an ST2 which is clearly labelled as illegal for road use, I wonder if a little more discretion when riding will be more beneficial for us all than a loud horn in the long run? Would slowing down a bit in busy areas really add that much time to your ride?
It would depend on how the horn is used. If it is only used for emergencies to help prevent a collision between a 3500lb car and a 250lb bike (i.e. driver pulling out without seeing you), then I see it as perfectly acceptable. If you're going to honk it unnecessarily as a result of road rage or other reasons, then it is not.
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That is just it in a nut shell!!!
Why does everybody think they are the ones with the right of way.
Just look how the car drivers treat us! Do we really want to be like them?
I have no problem slowing down around people and saying excuse me, as I come slowly up to them. Then everybody smiles, and I can then Giddy up Go! Ken.
That is just it in a nut shell!!!
Why does everybody think they are the ones with the right of way.
Just look how the car drivers treat us! Do we really want to be like them?
I have no problem slowing down around people and saying excuse me, as I come slowly up to them. Then everybody smiles, and I can then Giddy up Go! Ken.
No, I just don't want to die.
Fair enough, Rick. I just had visions of someone riding down a bike path with their hand on the horn like they're driving a Hummer and that person obviously isn't you. Get whatever you need to make your ride safer and enjoy your riding!
Yeah, I would definitely not encourage using this on a bike path, near pedestrians or even on the road as a result of road rage.

The main purpose is just to prevent an imminent, yet preventable, collision between a vehicle and a bike.

I always ride courteously in traffic, so as to not antagonize drivers (i.e. not passing at right coming up to intersection and making driver pass you multiple times, stop at intersections, etc.), yet I've probably been in about a half dozen near collision situations (i.e. within inches) over 30 years as a result of either not being seen, driver miscalculation (accidental and reckless), and deliberate acts meant to intimidate cyclists from being on the road. The horn would help in the first two of these three categories. A hospital seems to be the remedy for the last category.

In the end, I've decided not to get this horn as it is just too bulky and lack of suitable mounting location.
Yeah, I would definitely not encourage using this on a bike path, near pedestrians or even on the road as a result of road rage.

The main purpose is just to prevent an imminent, yet preventable, collision between a vehicle and a bike.

I always ride courteously in traffic, so as to not antagonize drivers (i.e. not passing at right coming up to intersection and making driver pass you multiple times, stop at intersections, etc.), yet I've probably been in about a half dozen near collision situations (i.e. within inches) over 30 years as a result of either not being seen, driver miscalculation (accidental and reckless), and deliberate acts meant to intimidate cyclists from being on the road. The horn would help in the first two of these three categories. A hospital seems to be the remedy for the last category.

In the end, I've decided not to get this horn as it is just too bulky and lack of suitable mounting location.
You may want to checkout this thread:
I have a loudbicycle horn mounted on my bike on the top of the city kit rake. I have provided a picture for reference. I did need to purchase the extended cable and I simply used some large tie wraps to mount it to the rake.

I've been looking at this car-like bicycle horn:

From what I can tell, the horn cannot be mounted on the top or down tubes due to the battery and touch screen. Additionally, the rectangular stem is too large as well.

The company (Loud Bicycle) has suggested mounting it under the seat or on-front of the rear rack and running an extension cable to the handle bars for the horn's button.

Has anyone else looked at getting this horn and mounting it to their ST2? How have you mounted it to your bike?
I bought this horn and mounted it on my seat post. WARNING - While the horn worked well for a month, I woke up one morning with the horn blasting for no apparent reason. There was no way to turn it off and I landed up almost smashing it to get it to stop. I called support and no one answered or ever returned my message. I don't believe this is a legitimate company but rather a startup with no plan.
Hi John so sorry to hear that your horn has broken in the worst way. This is Jonathan here the founder of Loud Bicycle. We are taking this problem very seriously and actually have an electronic fix which prevents this from happening in the new version of the horn. I'd like to send you a brand new horn to replace the faulty unit.
Unfortunately we don't have a good system in place to track calls and some of them fall through the cracks - emails ([email protected]) usually get responded to within a day. Please send us an email so we can get you honking again soon.
We are indeed a startup, founded through Kickstarter not too long ago - passionate about keeping people safe and doing our best with limited resources.
So here is a funny story. I bought the obnoxiously loud Gorp horn and have been very unhappy. I jam the damn thing on the louder horn (it has a polite mode too) and nobody pays attention or gets out of the way. Went for a ride with grandson who led and used his tiny and cheap bicycle bell and damn, every single person and/ or car paid attention. The problem appears to be a perception issue. A traditional bicycle bell is recognized as such and people respond. An unidentifiable but loud horn creates a disconnect between the rider and pedestrians and/or cars. Very weird!!!!!