Mississauga/Streetsville & Area Teo Riders Invite......


Well-Known Member
Hello to you all.

Just wondering how many Teos we have riding around in the area,
and if anyone would like to get together say on weekends to go for a ride exploring the different neighborhoods in the city or go for a ride to Kelso or any other interesting place within the range of the battery or/and ability of the riders.

Anyone that has some spare time and is interested chime in, i think it would be a lot of fun to get few Teos rumbling down the road together, stop @ Tim Horton for a fresh brew, swap your adventure story with others, show others on how you personalized your Teo ......

Here is a picture of my"wolf"
I'm in Mississauga as well, haven't been to Kelso yet, but tried Hilton Falls trails (across 401 from Kelso) already - tough...
HI @vadim1836 that's where my picture was taken couple of weeks back, Hilton Falls.

@Denis Shelston one day I may get brave and and start heading your way, if you recall we were kind of making plans for late September to meet and go for coffee, lately really busy at work so only get Sunday off and by then I'm way too tired. Hopefully one day...
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I'm located in Milton and embarrassed to say I haven't had the chance to do a Kelso or Hilton Falls ride. In my defence I just received my Teo this month. I'm totally up for a ride if I'm available, I also work in the Hwy 10 and Derry area. What route do you take to get to Milton? I'm curious because I'm thinking of commuting to work one day.
@YYZeBike I usually take E Lower Base Line out to Tremaine Rd to Britannia Rd to Appleby Line, sometimes I take Britannia Rd all the way however drivers using this road are not bike friendly to put it politely.
yeah, that pic is great, I'm gonna find that spot in Hilton Falls :)
the weather looks good for next two weekends, I might be up for a ride, as we have no camping plans yet...
Thank you for your kind words @Falken and@vadim1836, if you go to the first row of parking and follow the Philip Gosling Side Trail it will take you to that spot, caution make sure to secure everything on the bike for it is a bumpy ride.