Mission Control/BLEvo Settings for Creo SL


New Member
For all the Creo owners out there, I’m curious to see what custom settings you’re using for the support/power in Mission Control and/or the Smart Power & HR settings in BLEvo.

Right now, I‘m just beginning as a road biker and my goal is to improve my cardiovascular fitness so I‘m using BLEvo set with Smart HR at my max HR (175) and Smart Power at a little bit above my FTP (175 instead of my 150W FTP). I’m not in any danger of running out of battery on my rides but would like to conserve battery power mainly because I want to be the one propelling myself rather than the bike doing most of the work for me.
I set my smart control HR to turn on at 135 bpm. When I was younger I could regularly get my HR into the 190s, but as you get older your max HR goes down. 175 is pretty high and wondering why you didn't get a Tarmac instead if you want to be the one propelling the bike.
I haven’t played with the MC Smart Power option as I haven’t been concerned over battery usage. I have only done one ride where I thought I might run the battery dry. That was the Mt Lemmon climb in Tucson, AZ. It is a 22 mile, 6,500 ft climb and I was down to 10% remaining battery at the top. Fortunately it was all down hill back to my truck.

I want the bike to feel like a normal bike with me doing the majority of the work so I have my MC settings at 10/50, 30/50, and 50/50. I have been a recreational rider all my life but at 73 my strength and stamina just aren’t what they used to be. Yesterday’s ride was 42 miles, 1,050 ft elevation gain, at 14.5 mph average speed and I only used 16% of the battery. That averages out to about 2.5 miles per battery percentage, which I think is pretty efficient.