mind-blowing cosmos data

I can say that the topic of space is really mind-blowing, I tried to figure out in some details, but I'm not so smart.
Nothing is something. So that means "no" is "some".
No, nothing is not something, it is nothing, not even that. Look, buddy, I've got to tell you that I have some insider knowledge about you......I don't mean the women's clothing (no?, well, just checking), I mean the 2022 EBF Awards, and it is that you are a nominee in the category of The World's Worst Man by the independent panel of judges. I can also tell you that Rome is nominated, too. This is all on the QT, of course. The categories will be announced this weekend, apparently, I am informed, and the final results, after popular voting selection, will be announced on the last day of 2022, I can report from my insider source, whom I cannot, of course, name.
I like the ending of the one Men In Black movie. At the end we are just inside a marble, meaning we are small in the grand scheme of things.
I like the ending of the one Men In Black movie. At the end we are just inside a marble, meaning we are small in the grand scheme of things.
Yes, the Multiverse. And to me as an ordinary bod, if at the end, all was swallowed by a black hole, the last and final black hole, then I can see that is makes sense that it would blow itself and in that create a new universe, reversing everything been created, so heavy metals going back into hydrogen. Well, something like that, but the idea of multiverses, well, why not. I wish I would be alive when they can explain it. By the way, I am also informed you are a nominee for the The World's Worst Man category, and unanimously by all 26 independent judges! Which is unknown. It is looking like a close-run thing. Apparently, harryS is in the World's Best Man category, though he could be a straw man.
This planet, this solar system, this galaxy, and this universe are definitely something!
Something cannot come from nothing. 'Cause and effect' demands that something brought about this something.
No, nothing is not something, it is nothing, not even that. Look, buddy, I've got to tell you that I have some insider knowledge about you......I don't mean the women's clothing (no?, well, just checking), I mean the 2022 EBF Awards, and it is that you are a nominee in the category of The World's Worst Man by the independent panel of judges. I can also tell you that Rome is nominated, too. This is all on the QT, of course. The categories will be announced this weekend, apparently, I am informed, and the final results, after popular voting selection, will be announced on the last day of 2022, I can report from my insider source, whom I cannot, of course, name.
Actually I am not following you... If nothing is nothing then how do we explain it? It is Something in our small minds, thats how we break it down in our pea brain. so to explain "Nothing" we have to make it something.. If that makes any sense... or it would go like this..........................................

There you go... exactly.

Maybe to help
Can nothing be considered something?

"Nothing" (in a philosophy of nothing) is recognized as an empty space, vacuum or empty void. But all these things are, in fact, something (and this usually sounds like an empty meaningless play and mixture with words). But logically speaking there can be no perfect state of nothing that is not in fact something.
This planet, this solar system, this galaxy, and this universe are definitely something!
Something cannot come from nothing. 'Cause and effect' demands that something brought about this something.
Rexlion..........seriously, yes, that is my logic, too. Therefore, there has never been nothing, there has always been something. It is a difficult concept to hold, but the logic cannot be denied. There has always been something, and also this something therefore never had a beginning.
Rexlion..........seriously, yes, that is my logic, too. Therefore, there has never been nothing, there has always been something. It is a difficult concept to hold, but the logic cannot be denied. There has always been something, and also this something therefore never had a beginning.
It was always.. Then the Bang of sorts... God spoke and it became... before that the logos took care of its existence 👍
No, nothing is not something, it is nothing, not even that. Look, buddy, I've got to tell you that I have some insider knowledge about you......I don't mean the women's clothing (no?, well, just checking), I mean the 2022 EBF Awards, and it is that you are a nominee in the category of The World's Worst Man by the independent panel of judges. I can also tell you that Rome is nominated, too. This is all on the QT, of course. The categories will be announced this weekend, apparently, I am informed, and the final results, after popular voting selection, will be announced on the last day of 2022, I can report from my insider source, whom I cannot, of course, name.
I didn't say it is. Try accurately quoting and it might help you figure things out eventually. Look at what I was referring to. That might help your tiny brain make some sense. I know I'll need to help you, so here is what I responded to:

"Nothing IS something"​

Therefore to that I responded thusly:
Nothing is something. So that means "no" is "some".
One can substitute words to have more fun.
"noplace is someplace" therefore "someplace is noplace"

And we know that. "Somewhere" is nowhere in particular.
Dear Mr Pea Brain, noplace is noplace. I refer this to Rexlion for clarification. Rexlion, is noplace noplace, or is noplace someplace?
Wel, I can see your line, noplace has to be somewhere, but if there really was no place at all then there couldn't be a noplace, which is what me and Lion whatever his name is agreed. There would be NOWT at all. NOWT.


TV steeplejack Fred Dibnah has left more than #1million - but his three wives get nothing.

Jan Disley
  • 00:00, 10 Feb 2007
  • UPDATED07:49, 3 Feb 2012
TV steeplejack Fred Dibnah has left more than #1million - but his three wives get nothing.
Dibnah's will was finally published yesterday more than two years after he died aged 66.

by Taboola
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The star's estate will be divided up between his five children - Jack, Roger, Jane, Caroline and Lorna.
His third wife Sheila, who nursed him through his final months as he battled cancer, gets no mention in the will. Neither does her son Nathan.
Sheila's elderly mother Mavis said last night: "I don't think publication of the will will come as a shock to her."
Dibnah's first wife Alison and second wife Sue are also ignored.
Alison left him in 1985 taking their three daughters with her, complaining: "He's married to his engines."
He divorced Sue in in 1996 and married Sheila two years later.

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Fred's two sons inherit his beloved Aveling and Porter steam tractor, the Aveling and Porter steam roller he christened Betsy after his mother, a road hut and his collection of vehicle oil lamps. They also receive his books, drawings and the contents of his yard and workshop.
Daughter Lorna was left an antique grandfather clock.