Mind-blowing Big Bang Cosmos data

Have you read about the space between galaxies getting bigger? Yep, without the gravity attraction, space, the empty stuff, is expanding, but the rate is slowing down and some scientist fear it will start shrinking in 100 million years.
Some brains can figure the above out while others drink paint remover. Such a difference.
Sorry, I can't be bothered to "fear" something that might happen in 100 million years. Parochial of me I admit, but I can't help it.
The single most mind bending thing for me is if you accept causality , and reject free will.

Then me writing this post was set in unbreakable motion at the point of the big bang and nothing we are aware of could stop it.
Even you reading this has to happen, its written into the laws of physics.
The big bang has zero chance of being correct , I'm not committing to that theory.
Finding the backgroung radiation is too far down the 'find what you're looking for', for me.
We used to 100% believe that crystal spheres held the planets up, it was deduced without question from the evidence of the day, and rejecting it would end your career.
UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS--IT will never be detected within SPACE by scientists no matter how they may probe space. The IMPULSE: ‘Father Consciousness WILL’ is INTELLIGENT ACTIVITY – in equilibrium with – The IMPULSE: ‘Mother Consciousness PURPOSE’ is NURTURING for SURVIVAL ‘FATHER-MOTHER CONSCIOUSNESS’ is a powerful impersonal FORCE – yet IT is personal for you even before you seek to make contact with IT.

As you evolve spiritually, you will feel IT – for IT is the REALITY of BEING IT is everywhere and within everything. FATHER CONSCIOUSNESS is the INTELLIGENT LOVE Which gives intelligent energy and momentum to the world of complex forms – expressed physically as electricity MOTHER PURPOSE is the LOVING INTELLIGENCE Which gives purpose and the impulse for survival to the

individualised complex forms – expressed as magnetism – bonding & repulsion. These are the UNIVERSAL PRIMAL IMPULSES of ALL BEING of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS your SOURCE OF BEING – INTELLIGENCE-LOVE This is the STATE OF BEING before creation. CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS within a STATE OF EQUILIBRIUM. I want you to move again into an inner state of conscious equilibrium, where all thought is stilled and your mind resides in silence. You are in interior control, your mind and emotions no longer divided into activity and feeling. You may feel a build-up of power within you, strength, peace, and contentment. This, expressed in you, in individual form, is the STATE of BEING out of which came creation. I want you to notice that the equilibrium is impossible the moment that thought is introduced. I want you to REALISE that the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION is a DIMENSION of unformed IMPULSES. It contains no blueprint of creation. It is in a state of UNDIVIDED FORM. The equilibrium – the restraint between opposing IMPULSES – ‘to move about’ and ‘remain bonded’ creates an infinite spiral of self-contained energy. The SELF-CONTAINED ENERGY of MUTUAL RESTRAINT is beyond the power of individuality to even imagine.

As I have told you before, were individuality able to enter the UNIVERSAL DIMENSION of the MUTUALLY-RESTRAINED IMPULSES of ‘Movement & Bonding’ – the individuality would be immediately dissolved and returned to the equilibrium of UNIVERAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Ponder the unimaginable immensity of Power contained within the MUTUAL-RESTRAINT of the TWIN IMPULSES in UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS which are primarily CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS INTENT WILL >>><<< PURPOSE INTELLIGENCE LOVE combined as Intelligent Love & Loving Intelligence

Impulses of: Movement Bonding-Repulsion ELECTRICITY........in equilibrium........MAGNETISM The above describes the UNLIMITED UNIVERSAL DIMENSION before the BIG BANG! You now know that the Father-Mother Creative Process and the tools of physical creation are all in a state of equilibrium within the Universal Dimension, but now that equilibrium is to be exploded to bring about INDIVIDUAL FORM You know, too, that since the Infinite Eternal IMPULSES are contained in a state of mutual restraint, these IMPULSES are of an unimaginable intensity of energy – against which your atomic energy contained within the splitting of an atom is a mere ‘pouff’, an infinitesimal twitch of no importance. I want you to fully realise all the foregoing, since your realisation of what happened at the time of the Big Bang will give you a glimpse of what happened at the time of the sundering of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS to permit the creation of individual form to take place. UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS was RIVEN! WILL & PURPOSE ‘Father’ INTELLIGENCE & ‘Mother’ NURTURING LOVE were exploded to work independently and also jointly. Their respective ‘tools’ were Electricity & Magnetism. Out of the explosion of EQUILIBRIUM came the GREAT INTENT of SELF-EXPRESSION ‘The Universal Awareness of BEING’ became the Impulse of individualised ‘I’ awareness demanding self-expression LIFE and ‘I’ness are synonymous in the dimension of ‘matter’ They became the consciousness of ‘matter’. Can you begin to imagine the explosion of CONSCIOUSNESS! of AWARENESS!

Anonymous. Christ Returns - Reveals Startling Truth . A New Epoch. Kindle Edition.
Sorry, but this is why I don't look to an ebike forum for insights into cosmology