Meet your new overlords.

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Which do you think people will pick up first a Dog or a SEX BOT ? LOL
Which do you think people will pick up first a Dog or a SEX BOT ? LOL
I don't want a robot dog, I have affection and feeling's towards my dog but those things aren't necessary for sex. So if I was single and one of those incel types who can't get any? Easy choice, real dog for companionship, robot for sex.. .
Yes, if the currency fails, then machinists, welders, smelters, cabinetmakers, weavers, all sorts of trades would be the real "first line" support.
I do not believe, however, that humans have ever been largely self-sufficient as singles, couples, families. We are group monkeys. We wouldn't recognize what a self sufficient person would look like. Farmer?Hunter?Trapper?Fisher?....Scavenger.
Perhaps a ´self-sufficient´ person would be one with those skills & more, or simply a person whose
skill is in such demand as to provide all his other needs.
Really funny until they can make them cheap enough to take your job. They won't go sick, they won't ask for a holiday, they won't ask for decent working conditions, they won't ask to be paid, they won't strike for better pay, they won't need breaks, they will work 24 hours a day. Not so funny now are they.
On the other hand, I won´t be sitting at a gloomy work station doing boring repetitive work day after
day after day for a cruddy paycheck that just gets me further behind each month. Think I´ll get on
the bike & go fishing.🥴
Well I don't believe they're testing them with human brains in them but I do believe they will definitely be used in the military. Law enforcement might take a little longer because legal reasons but once you have a robot that can fight better than any soldier how would any leader of a country explain why he would send thousands of troops into harms way when you could send a couple hundred robots instead?
Americans rely heavily on mercenaries now. Someone in the tech world said this very company just 4 years ago had trouble just picking up and moving box. And then in 4 short years they can do this.
Peter Jackson was on Stephen Colbert's late show not too long ago and they had a funny interview segment (Colbert is a major expert on Lord of the Rings, can speak Elvish, and even submitted letters as a kid noting mistakes in the books. Jackson talked about the massive army scenes. Basically he said that in the segments of the massive armies racing to each other and clashing, they basically used computers to create human characters that had some level of "free will" where they would make their own decisions on how to fight based on who was around them, and they had no idea what the outcome of the fight would be so they would just run it to watch the fight and see who would win. He said one problem is the smart ones would just run away. So if we built an army of robots, they'd be easily hacked and either convinced to turn on their masters or their rules changed to run.
Peter Jackson was on Stephen Colbert's late show not too long ago and they had a funny interview segment (Colbert is a major expert on Lord of the Rings, can speak Elvish, and even submitted letters as a kid noting mistakes in the books. Jackson talked about the massive army scenes. Basically he said that in the segments of the massive armies racing to each other and clashing, they basically used computers to create human characters that had some level of "free will" where they would make their own decisions on how to fight based on who was around them, and they had no idea what the outcome of the fight would be so they would just run it to watch the fight and see who would win. He said one problem is the smart ones would just run away. So if we built an army of robots, they'd be easily hacked and either convinced to turn on their masters or their rules changed to run.
They really don't need Robots for wars . Drones are well equipped already . Robots will be for population control when they reach that point . Sounds way out in left field . Yet they been showing us on teh Big screen since the 80's . They even showed us pandemics . While things of conspiracy seem impossible . It's eerier how u can look back and see what tehy said in teh past . I bet when we are informed of aliens they will look just like ET lol :)
You don't have to clean up after a robotic dog... just sayin' ;)
You don't likely need to get STD treatment with a plastic doll either. Porn is the #1 industry in the world . I can't imagine dolls would be in huge demand
What do you mean they ? You must have a really poor memory Turn your amp down :)
Insulting me does nothing to answer the question.
You said "They have to world right where they want it . Why would they ever allow it to recover ?"
Who is the "they"?
Went out for a ride around town visiting a few parks this morning in sunshine, something we haven't seen in the last 4 days.

No mask for me, not even a baclava. Tennis courts, basketball courts, Volleyball, other riders. No masks. Gotta love it. The tighter Gov. Newsom turns the screws, the stronger the resistance grows. An act of Civil Disobedience by many.
Went out for a ride around town visiting a few parks this morning in sunshine, something we haven't seen in the last 4 days.

No mask for me, not even a baclava. Tennis courts, basketball courts, Volleyball, other riders. No masks. Gotta love it. The tighter Gov. Newsom turns the screws, the stronger the resistance grows. An act of Civil Disobedience by many.
Man my patriotic heart beats just a little stronger hearing that. Makes me want to go hump a flagpole or something.......
Went out for a ride around town visiting a few parks this morning in sunshine, something we haven't seen in the last 4 days.

No mask for me, not even a baclava. Tennis courts, basketball courts, Volleyball, other riders. No masks. Gotta love it. The tighter Gov. Newsom turns the screws, the stronger the resistance grows. An act of Civil Disobedience by many.
The effort to recall Newsom is gaining momentum.
Man my patriotic heart beats just a little stronger hearing that. Makes me want to go hump a flagpole or something.......
Can you get a STD from a flagpole? I´ĺl grant that masks that don´t seal around the bridge of the
nose & with no eye protection are well nigh useless. I don´t see many when I ride on folks working
outside, walking their dogs or spouses. I sometimes wear one when riding, but mostly as protection
against the cold,(does a bandanna count?). I do wear one at the post office so as not to distress the
other geezers, & in the grocery as well.
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Can you get a STD from a flagpole? I´ĺl grant that masks that don´t seal around the bridge of the
nose & with no eye protection are will nigh useless. I don´t see many when I ride on folks working
outside, walking their dogs or spouses. I sometimes wear one when riding, but only as protection
against the cold,(does a bandanna count?). I do wear one at the post office so as not to distress the
other geezers, & in the grocery as well.
I was being sarcastic. I am not anti-mask in the least, don't get me wrong I don't enjoy wearing it but I see the purpose. I normally don't wear it on my bike or while walking the dog though. I think those who think they're living some fantasy like they're the resistance in a movie or some s*it are sad
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No mask for me, not even a baclava. Tennis courts, basketball courts, Volleyball, other riders. No masks. Gotta love it. The tighter Gov. Newsom turns the screws, the stronger the resistance grows. An act of Civil Disobedience by many.
Meanwhile, over 500 of your fellow Californians are dying each day. Which makes your idea of "resistance" a death cult.

And before you say "500 isn't that many", at an annual rate that translates to over 180,000 deaths per year. In the last year there were reliable statistics (2017) the number one cause of death in California was heart disease, with approximately 63,000 deaths (source: To put it another way, the covid is killing people in your state at about the same rate as the previous top six causes of death combined.
Meanwhile, over 500 of your fellow Californians are dying each day. Which makes your idea of "resistance" a death cult.

And before you say "500 isn't that many", at an annual rate that translates to over 180,000 deaths per year. In the last year there were reliable statistics (2017) the number one cause of death in California was heart disease, with approximately 63,000 deaths (source: To put it another way, the covid is killing people in your state at about the same rate as the previous top six causes of death combined.

Not really. I live in the SF Bay Area. It is as Progressive as you can get anywhere in the US. In spite of that, people are "fatigued" after what has seemed like an endless "SIP" order, which by the way was never enforced. Why not?

If you won't do that, but then "command" that you must wear a mask at all times outside your home, but again, after almost 12 months, no enforcement.

What has been done for the tens of thousands of homeless? What about their deaths not necessarily due to Covid?

For all the progressives in this state, even they can get pushed just a little to far before all the orders coming from Sacramento fall on deaf ears and people will no longer tolerate government control over their lives, just because you say so. The Government has a poor track record so far about getting the vaccine rollout going.

No. Instead, people will be free and take safety into their own hands. By now, we are all well aware of the dangers.
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