Making a Rad bike a class 1


New Member
I live in MI and from the laws they passed it makes class 1 ebikes pretty much usable anywhere a bicycle can be used and a class 2 ebike less usable for most of the bike paths. Has anyone converted their Rad to class 1. I am assuming it is very simple, just pull off the throttle and put new grips on, anyone know of any gotchas on this. I plan on getting a 2019 Radmini when then start selling them.
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Usually the class laws make no distinction as far as access goes between class 1 & 2 but all you have to do is unplug the throttle if you think anyone will even care. But being MI I would doubt you’d have any issues unless you plan on being a hooligan if you left the throttle on.
I thought one of the purposes of the lock-out button (besides safety) was to fulfill the technical requirements for being a class 1 when necessary.
The bikes come with a class 2 rating sticker down near the crank. Thinking it would be tough to change that rating to a class 1.

That said, I've been all over creation on Mi. and Fl. bike trails, and nobody has even brought up what class bike I'm running. I doubt seriously whether most authorities even realize there are different classes, let alone what the differences are.

Point being, as long as the bike is being ridden in a sane manner, I would be really surprised to hear you had an issue. I haven't heard of anyone that's even had to discuss it with any authority.
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Usually the class laws make no distinction as far as access goes between class 1 & 2 but all you have to do is unplug the throttle if you think anyone will even care. But being MI I would doubt you’d have any issues unless you plan on being a hooligan if you left the throttle on.
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There were some nice folks renting Rad Mini's in the town I live in last summer and down the block from where I was working some young guy with a mini was impressing his two gal friends on some step through eBikes by holding the rear tire off the ground and throttling the thing while skimming the pavé. Like I said, hooliganing is going to get you noticed.
I doubt anyone will ever know or ask what class bike you're riding unless there's an accident and someone wants to assign liability.

Yes, and even then you're assuming that the legal beagles would know or care about the distinction.
That may be the case for now, but in the future that could change if the hooligans keep it up!
That may be the case for now, but in the future that could change if the hooligans keep it up!

Right, it's a bit off topic but my other hobby is flying drones which has been totally ruined by idiots abusing the privilege by putting the safety of others at risk by being stupid around the public and airports, I'm getting out of the hobby because of it. I see the same thing happening with this.
Can't see an e-bike shutting down an airport for days.....
No, but people riding 3000 watt bikes on pedestrian pathways or even bike lanes with other cyclists will certainly bring changes in legislation, but I think you know what I meant:)
Just like the jerks flying the drones in the vicinity of passenger carrying aircraft, I would agree only to the point if the person on that 3000w bike were a Hooligan. My 1500w bike behaves quite well on pedestrian pathways actually. Note that same Hooligan can make a jerk out of himself with a 300w bike just as easily as he can on a more powerful bike. Point being, it's not the drone, or the bike, it's the darn Hooligan! Hopefully our lawmakers can/will make that same distinction, while making the condequences for behaving like a Hooligan painfull enough where it doesn't happen frequently.....
Fat bikes stand out. A folder with 350W hub and "normal" tires will draw less attention, less chance that anybody will try to find out whether you are a hooligan.
I agree that "hooligans" are a problem, but accidents happen, even to careful, conservative acting non-hooligans. I suppose it would be pretty rare, but if someone is hurt in a bike-caused accident and they sue the bike rider/owner for $100,000 in damages, which is probably not a lot for a head or back injury, lawyers and insurance companies and their lawyers are going to be involved. They won't miss the fact that the bike was a class 2 where only class 1s were allowed. That won't be good for the bike rider, even if he wasn't at fault.

That little scenario is kind of like the campfire story about the guy with hooks for hands who escaped from the nearby prison. It's highly unlikely and you can probably go a few lifetimes without it happening to you, but people buy insurance not just because things happen to them but because they might.

Put another way, you can get away with riding a class 100 bike as long as you get away with it. No consequences and nothing but fun until something goes wrong.

Is a Class 2 bike with permanently removed Class 2 functionality still a Class 2?

The definition of C2, as I recall, is "throttle-assisted" or "can be propelled by motor exclusively". No throttle = not throttle-assisted and can't be propelled by motor exclusively (at least, at the time of accident - and this argument should suffice because otherwise any bike with rear hub could be considered Class 2 - hey, just add a throttle). Though dealing with courts and lawyers is a nasty experience no matter what.
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I bought a Radmini last November, but haven't got to ride it much yet, due to the cold weather. I plan to ride on trails in Macomb County that are rated for class 1 ebikes, so i contacted Rad on if they make a kit to convert the Radmini to class 1 and they don't. So I plan on removing the throttle and install new grips and put a class 1 stricker on it. After that I feel I should be good to go.
I bought a Radmini last November, but haven't got to ride it much yet, due to the cold weather. I plan to ride on trails in Macomb County that are rated for class 1 ebikes, so i contacted Rad on if they make a kit to convert the Radmini to class 1 and they don't. So I plan on removing the throttle and install new grips and put a class 1 stricker on it. After that I feel I should be good to go.

Grumpy, I would hold off on the Class 1 plan. I ride a Rad City, and have ridden at the Metro Parks on quite a few occasions. I've yet to see anyone even shoot me a glance. I have seen no enforcement, and even if there were enforcement, I doubt seriously if the presense of a throttle, one way or the other, would make any difference with those doing the "enforcing".

Not that it's going to make a lot of difference to my riding, but wondering where are you seeing the Class 1 only restriction? -Al
If you look at the way the law is structured as per the original one promoted by PFB enacted in CA and used as the template for the other states adopting it there is no difference in allowable access between Class 1 and Class 2 bikes. However there has become a distinction between the two in that it is assumed that having a throttle on an ebike will preclude the use of pedals as is shown as "pedal operated" and "no" in the Class 2 designation.


Personally I find this ridiculous because all Class 2 bikes have PAS systems as well as throttles so they can in fact be operated as Class 1 at any time. If someone choses to use the throttle is doesn't add any additional power or speed to the bike that will make it any different than a strictly PAS Class 1 bike in it's highest level of assist. It is not a badge of honor to not have a throttle on your eBike but an act of bending to the will of the manufacturers and the EU restrictions that they abide by. That is why bikes like Rad, Juiced, Pedego etc. all spec throttles because they follow the Federal US regulations that have been in place here for years.

As long as the OP goes about his bike riding in a reasonable manner and is courteous to other trail users he should be just fine, legally and morally.
It's pretty simple really. Always ride with respect for others. Then trouble won't come looking for you ... or the rest of us hooligan e-bikers! ?
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