Mackinac Island impounds ebikes

People don’t often realize all the gas powered vehicles that are allowed on the island, you know ambulances and fire trucks. We visited the island about 20 years ago and pedaled around the island on rental bikes. The good part on the road around the island there aren’t many hills.
This doesnt apply to Mackinac( do not know what they charge) why is it that the average cost to rent a bike is 25$ plus( non ebike) and this is for 8 hrs I belive in some instances,I figured a little past $10 would be fair and some of these bikes are not top end either, is it because of the threat of theft or what? maybe I am missing something.I would imagine the 'zoomies" had a bit to do with the class 2-3 ban.
Wherever bikes (or ebikes) are rented, they will charge what the market will bear. If they have enough customers paying the asked rental price, they aren't charging "too much" even though I might not be willing personally to pay it.

On the island they have a sort of captive audience of people who are already willing to pay a hefty fee ($45 or $50) for a 40-minute ferry ride to the island. These people come with the mindset that they're there to enjoy themselves and they're willing to spend some extra bucks for the enjoyment. So if they haven't paid the extra ferry fee to transport their own bike, they may decide it's worth spending whatever the island vendors are charging to rent a bike. They're also very likely to buy fudge, trinkets, souvenirs, food and drink, etc., all at elevated prices.

Personally, if I could bring myself to pay that much for a short boat ride again, I'd rather pay to go someplace I haven't seen before. The main draw of Mackinac Island for me would be the nostalgia: reminiscing about the midnight moonlight walk with Cathy, and other memories.
They confiscated the ebikes of residents? I would think the tourists would not have been allowed to get off the ferry lot with their verbotenbikens,

We went to the Island when the kids were little. The little ones were bored. I must confess, so was I. I don't care about watching fudge being made. I wouldn't go back.
It is not for everyone. Our first trip, our kids and nieces and nephews (probably 7-14 years old) had a great time. We visit every 3-4 years and always discover something new; we enjoy the lay-backed lifestyle though.
They confiscated the ebikes of residents? I would think the tourists would not have been allowed to get off the ferry lot with their verbotenbikens,

We went to the Island when the kids were little. The little ones were bored. I must confess, so was I. I don't care about watching fudge being made. I wouldn't go back.
A great place to dump a gaggle of pre teen girls to go shopping. We took groups of Camp Birch Knoll girls every summer for to many summers. The kids were great but between the miserably active and aggressive skunks in the camp grounds, and my disdain for fudge... there aren't many good memories for the island itself. Last time two skunks got under the tarp on our food and supply trailer. There screamed and fought like two maniac alley cats and sprayed every bit of our cooking gear and food. Skunks would actually jump up onto the picnic table I was sitting on to snatch food.
Got the hoodie ...
'You paid how much ?!?!


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