LiOn battery draw tester

The only one I'm familiar with is a product from Grin Tech in Vancouver. It's called a "Grinspector" but unfortunately, it was discontinued in 2022:

There was an EBR member selling one in the classified section last year. You might try to PM him to see if he sold it:

If you're a DIY'er, you can make a crude tester using old incandescent light bulbs and a multimeter:


The load can be adjusted by adding or removing bulbs from the string. I can get a 20A load using some old 300 W bulbs. By measuring the voltage drop as you add load, you can get a fairly good idea of the battery condition.

Capacity loss can be checked by timing how long it takes to discharge using a known load. Care should be taken so as not to over discharge.

I added a timer so the rig can be used to discharge batteries to the proper voltage for storage:


One of the tricky parts in making such a rig is tapping the battery discharge connectors. My batteries all use the flat spade type. It was simple to cut the plug in half on an old extension cord. The prongs on the plug fit the battery perfectly.

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Check out the big brain on @6zfshdb!
Cutting an extension cord in half is pure genius!
I might have to do that this weekend to bench test a battery/motor... 👍

To the OP... my battery failed this draw test 🙃

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