Less Than Ideal Temperatures for Optimal Battery Performance

What outdoor temperature(s) significantly effects optimal battery performance?

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I just ordered some neoprene and velcro to make a sleeve to insulate my battery. Some of the more common ebikes sell custom fit neoprene for batteries, not mine unfortunately.
Temps here have been in the 30's for my morning commute most of the month, and had a few days into the low 20's already. I have noticed both a range and performance drop with the cold temps.
Hopefully the sleeve helps the battery retain some heat.
I just ordered some neoprene and velcro to make a sleeve to insulate my battery. Some of the more common ebikes sell custom fit neoprene for batteries, not mine unfortunately.
Temps here have been in the 30's for my morning commute most of the month, and had a few days into the low 20's already. I have noticed both a range and performance drop with the cold temps.
Hopefully the sleeve helps the battery retain some heat.
Which companies have custom fit neoprene sleeves? Where can people order neoprene to make their own insulating shrouds?
Can temperature insulating sleeves help stabilize battery energy output? Which companies have custom fit neoprene sleeves? Where can people order neoprene to make their own insulating sleeves?
I think neoprene would help preserve some heat in the pack but not for long. I don't think there's a great solution to the cold (high internal resistance) battery problem
I wrapped my battery in closed cell poly foam from packages I have received. 1/2" thickness. Actually it came from the battery shipping box. I use a big 1/8" sheet folded over the top & sides to keep the rain off.
Battery lives in the garage, it will be thorougly cold soaked at 55 deg or lower in dead winter, so this is not complete protection. FHD0030.JPG