Lectric XP

I sent a message to Lectric support today about the lockout question here on the forum. Here is the response.

This change was made to address safety, insurance, service, parts, warranty, etc.. concerns. The owners manual indicates which settings may be changed and which ones should not be... and we have had customers make changes to their bikes that could impact their safety and the integrity of the bike.

It's remains an incredible bike! Thanks for checking in.
It makes the display screen useless when it can't calculate either speed or distance accurately. It's nothing more than a battery indicator now. I am disappointed.
I saw a post on the FB site that said the bikes already have a thick tire liner installed in the tires. I heard the tires are puncture resistant, but didn't think they had liners. Can anyone here confirm so I don't waste money ordering Mr Tuffy?
I saw a post on the FB site that said the bikes already have a thick tire liner installed in the tires. I heard the tires are puncture resistant, but didn't think they had liners. Can anyone here confirm so I don't waste money ordering Mr Tuffy?
This is off of their site:"The 4" anti-puncture tires provide comfort and stability on road as well as traction and control off-road." nothing about liners, so unless someone here has taken one apart can't say if there is a liner of not.
This is off of their site:"The 4" anti-puncture tires provide comfort and stability on road as well as traction and control off-road." nothing about liners, so unless someone here has taken one apart can't say if there is a liner of not.
Now that I read this again, anti-puncture is a pretty bold statement, maybe puncture resistant, but basically their claiming that they won't puncture.
It makes the display screen useless when it can't calculate either speed or distance accurately. It's nothing more than a battery indicator now. I am disappointed.
When I saw all the posts on "how do I get my factory settings back" or "What are the default setting"? I had a feeling that Lectric was going to lock it down as so many were not researching the settings and just messing with them not knowing what they were doing. Now it is a hardship on those that took the time to learn what each setting was for. When I saw them posted, I printed them out so I would have something to go by. Apparently not enough did and Lectric got tied of all the calls. I saw one posted on FB with only 1/2 the correct procedure. Do it the way it was posted and other settings will probable get screwed up getting to P08.
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It makes the display screen useless when it can't calculate either speed or distance accurately. It's nothing more than a battery indicator now. I am disappointed.

I'm not sure where all the complaints are regarding the speed or distance calculations. I did my initial test run of 10+ miles using my garmin GPS that I typically use on my other bike. Speeds were in line with wat the display was showing and distances for the most part as well (didn't really check this EXACTLY but will on my next ride).
I saw a post on the FB site that said the bikes already have a thick tire liner installed in the tires. I heard the tires are puncture resistant, but didn't think they had liners. Can anyone here confirm so I don't waste money ordering Mr Tuffy?
The liners are very thick inside the tires do not replace them it is unnecessary that is why they are puncture proof as well...
You know people, even with all of our bitching and complaining the bikes are still an awesome ride, especially for the price. And Lectric seem to be doing a good job at customer care, and fixing problems as they arise.
I find it unbelievable when they're such a good deal available and a certain percent complain about everything...lectric is taking care of the complaints extremely well, I am impressed as well..
I find it unbelievable when they're such a good deal available and a certain percent complain about everything...lectric is taking care of the complaints extremely well, I am impressed as well..
I must say, though, that given the general state of affairs on the internet, the complaining that happens here - and more to the point, the style of complaining - is far superior to what I normally run into on the internet. I do not have any social media accounts at all anymore, and when I do join forums I tend to lurk and just glean information without participating. This forum has been a refreshing change: good information, respectful conversation and polite disagreement. My thanks to all for restoring a bit of faith to the internet and for all the good stuff I've been gleaning! 👏👍 My XP should be arriving Monday!
You know people, even with all of our bitching and complaining the bikes are still an awesome ride, especially for the price. And Lectric seem to be doing a good job at customer care, and fixing problems as they arise.
Totally agree! I have a minor problem I am trying to work out. Instead of bitching, I stopped at Harbor Freight today to purchase a set of "T" handle metric wrenches to tackle the adjustment easier. At $899. not much room for complaining, watch Youtube and fix it. 😊 If I can't figure the problem out, I'll post it here and maybe someone will have the answer. It is just the rear brake cable I can't keep seated. It keeps popping out of the adjuster. It's got to be something simple I'm not seeing.
I just ran into a mobile bike repair guy that was showing a $3,000 bike to a doctor outside his office, I was riding by and he stopped me and asked me about my Lectric. I explained to him about the bike, the company and the price. He asked me if it came with the fenders, rack, bags and lights . Yep I answered. He said "that's a hell of a deal." I told him my wife had one too. I also told him the total cost of both bikes and that they were delivered assembled . He just shook his head and told the doctor "buy one of those". "I cant beat that with anything I'm selling." I guess it was worth the wait.
I just ran into a mobile bike repair guy that was showing a $3,000 bike to a doctor outside his office, I was riding by and he stopped me and asked me about my Lectric. I explained to him about the bike, the company and the price. He asked me if it came with the fenders, rack, bags and lights . Yep I answered. He said "that's a hell of a deal." I told him my wife had one too. I also told him the total cost of both bikes and that they were delivered assembled . He just shook
Totally agree! I have a minor problem I am trying to work out. Instead of bitching, I stopped at Harbor Freight today to purchase a set of "T" handle metric wrenches to tackle the adjustment easier. At $899. not much room for complaining, watch Youtube and fix it. 😊 If I can't figure the problem out, I'll post it here and maybe someone will have the answer. It is just the rear brake cable I can't keep seated. It keeps popping out of the adjuster. It's got to be something simple I'm not seeing.
I popped in to a bike store to inquire what they would charge to convert the bike to a thread less head set. I have worked it out myself on how and what you do and was curious what they would say. They told me $300 and I said parts and labour?? He said no just labour and I said boy that seems awfully high it's not that complicated his response was he has a aviation mechanic that comes to him because he's not able to fix his bike.I thought I don't want that aviation mechanic working on any thing that I fly on... Needless to say I think I'm going to stick with a stock front end as the combination of air pressure and suspension seat has alleviated most of my issues. Further proof that the bicycle stores are pricing themselves out of the market.
Order 36xx delivered monday 09-23. Several settings locked. Pedal assist kicks in way to slow. Also pedal assist appears to go through stages. If im pedaling bike at 4 mph in 0 pas and put it in pas 5 it goes through every stage seperatly. Is this how its supposed to be? 2 pedals pas 1, 2 more pedals pas 2, 2 more pedals pas 3 and so on. I have been coasting at about 17 mph downhill and in pas 5. It took me over 8 full rotations or more before i could feel pas. Im guessing its because its going through the pas stages. I own 2019 rad mini and when in pas 5 it is automatic. Thats why im wondering if this bike is set up like this. Can it be changed in settings and how please. Sorry so long
I sent these same questions to lectric. Will let u know if and when they respond. Is anybody elses bike going up pas modes in increments? Does yours just take off from a dead stop in pas 3 or does it hit 1st then 2nd then 3rd?